Tell me this isn't happenning! I went to use the bathroom and there was this bright red bleedingthat just started running down my leg as I was trying to make it to the bathroom-I was like tryinfg to wake Tom up going "babe", "Babe" and he's dead asleep- mumbling "mmm?" I said " I can't stop bleeding! 'He's like wha! and that woke him up! and so it was off to the hospital to figure out what was going on. and of course the took forever getting me checked it I'm like Hello? bleeding pregnant woman over here? canwe just get me checked out before something really goes wrong? If not already?"I didn'y have any pain or cramping, I thought I was miscarrying, but this was after my third month , but who knows/ Maybe one could be happening anyway- with my body- its so messed up-I wouldn't put it past it-I had a miscarriage just last year anyway - maybe I was having another only milder- cause that one hurt like hell!. hours later, after checking me out thoroughly and me feeling like I lost a quart of blood , it turned out I have a hematoma in the anterior aspect of my uterus- the babies are fine- they has no clue what was goin on and were unharmed. Thank you God! Doctors orders-rest the pelvis- whatever that means- guess n sex or whatever or anything having to do with that area, stop work- fine with me! people are buttnuggets at my work anyway! and plenty of bedrest-sounds cool- what ever I need to do to make sure these babies arrive safe and healthy you got it. and Follow up with doctor on 8/25.
8/25-----just spotting no bleeding- just old blood keep up with bedrest just in case- other than that everything looks great - I was a good little patient - Thank goodnessthat nightmare's over!
August 18, 2000
What The?? Ohh Nooo!
Posted by
6:56 PM
August 6, 2000
Dum Dum De Dum!
Yesterday Tom and I got Married ! I am 3 months pregnant with twins, and just starting to show a little teeny bit but not alot-man do I get hungry! I'm eating us outta house and home! Everyone says you get tired real fast, but I'mnot so tired - maybe its all the oj I'm drinking like mad thats keeping my energy in check! I'm so excited though! and another cool thing , BOOBS! I actually have boobs ! I went from a AA cup and am already a b! I wonder if theyll get bigger...LOL Anyway, Tom and I didn't go for a big lavish wedding, since we decided I had been married before , and went down that road already , and he's not into big giant affairs, and we have a new baby{babies- did I mention we were having twins?I STILL can't believe that!} coming soon that we have to prepare for and save for , we found it smarter to save the money for that - nursery, furniture, formula, etc.. - So we got married by the Justice of the peace in Vienna, Va. And His Friend Tony was our witness and Photographer. No Honeymoon either.we'll do something nice though, go out to dinner or something. But boy was it hot! An August wedding is definitly a killer! We couldn't wait to get our shorts and tanktops back on again! So it's official, I am now Mrs. Thomas Higdon, the mother of his children- I guess wishes really DO come true!
Posted by
6:37 PM