The time has come where Thomas needed To get his very own "Big Boy" bed Yes I know, he's only 18 months old, but, he can't sleep in the crib anymore- not the way he sleeps! this boy starts off in the normal sleeping posistion, then his head goes to the foot of the bead, then goes sideways, then head is at the top again, then all through the night he travels up and down and sideways. He does this until his feet finally get stuck inthe cribrails and in the middle of the night he's crying once again and we gotta get up and come to his rescue and free his foot or leg whichever is protruding through the rails.Sio in order to get a full nights rest for the wole family, we finally went out and got Thomas a Fire Engine toddler bed he like at the store. It's nice because it has high sides where he can't fall out, it has a night light and a cute friendly face, and rounded sides so he can't get hurt while playing on it and one cut out to get itn and out - its perfect! Thing is first few nights, Thomas fell out a couple times due to his way of sleeping - {how he fell out of the cut out ib beyond me }but we put one of his story books in the cutout after he went to bed and a pillow on the floor just in case and problem solved untilhe got used to the bed-didnt fallout anymore. He absolutely LOVES this bed! And sleeping? Sleeps all through the night, and so do we! Thank goodness! My little boy's growin up! *sniff*
August 11, 2002
Thomas' Big Boy Bed
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2:48 PM
February 20, 2002
Happy Birthday Thomas!
Saturday we celebrated Thomas' 1 year Birthday!We did it a couple days early because his birthday fell on a Tuesday this year so no biggie-close enough.. I can't believe My little boy's a year old already! Since he seems to be into Clifford the big red dog- He gets all excited when I put PBS on the T.V.- he stands right at the tv and practically hyperventilates when the show comes on it's so cute! I figured he has a thing for Clifford so I threw him a Clifford themed Party ! Clifford hats, and cake, and streamers, and blowouts, and balloons, cups, and plates- the whole nine! And to share it with Family, My sister in law Stephanie offered to have the party at her house - she has a house big enough to fit the whole family- I thought that was real nice of her. Thomas I don't think had a clue the party was actually for him, but boy did he DIG the cake !LOl forks? what's that? I'll just use my hands ! Everyone had a real nice time and we had great weather and everyone got to be together again since the Christening, Jackie brought Thomas' new cousin Dylan who is just adorable as can be! All the kids got along just great and got to leave with Clifford goodie buckets filled with toys. Can't forget the kids now! I try and think of everyone, not just the guest of honor! One year old . Where'd the time go? He's getting so big. MM Mmm MMM! My lil Chubster! He was so well behaved too! Like he knew he was around family and loved to be around family as much as I do !That's my Boy !:)
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2:03 PM
January 24, 2002
Thomas' Christening
My goodness the time flies! I know we should have had this done months ago,but there was the issue of me having sarcoidosis to deal with postpardum to get over with,-my legs and ankles blowing up like balloons all the way up to my knees where to the point I could barely walk, never mind barely carry a baby, going back and forth to doctors to have it taken care of to the point where it FINALLY went away thank Goodness. Now I can FINALLY baptize my son! We looked into a church here, but I really wanted my family at such a blessed event, so I managed to write to Tom's church In New Hyde Park and was able to pull some strings to have the church here in Centreville sign a transfer to be able to have Thomas baptized there in New Hyde Park. It was so nice seeing everyone again.We had such a nice time.And Thomas was soooo good! He barely even cried when the Holy water was poured on his head{and I believe I mentioned how he doesn't like water! }LOL Even at the reception he was a complete angel! Tom even gave him a taste of beer, and boy, I wish I got a shot for the camera- the look on his face of pure grossness at the tast of the beer! It was priceless! he was like "I'll stick with my milk thank you!" LOL it was so much fun - getting to see everyone in one location- I didn't want to leave or say goodbye to everyone because Lord knew when I'd see them again..:( But life has to go on.. I just thank God for blessing me with such a beautiful day -Cold , But beautiful and thank him for allowing me to share it with such wonderful family and friends that I am so blessed with.
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6:35 PM