It's been a week and I'm finally getting to sit down and post about my surgery.I would have done it earlier, but it was just too painful to sit down and type at the desk at first, then uncomfortable now I can finally sit comfortably and type. The surgery went REALLY well. We got there at 9 AM, I met the anesthesiologist,the nurse, Tom was with me, I changed into this special gown to keep me warm, then the doctor came in, took some more pictures, then proceeded to draw on me where he was going to do his work,{ like you would see on say - Dr 90210 ;)} then we moved to the room in the back where they would do the procedure, and the anesthesiologist hooked me up with his "magic juice" as he called itand we chatted for a short while { and I do mean SHORT WHILE because after that I remember waking up to freezing my ass off but not really - I was just shaking from coming off the anesthesia and the nurse was trying to put the compressive dressing on me this girdle that had to go over my hips and I wouldnt raise my ass cause I was still out of it and sore as hell. But managed my best for her. by the time we were done, I was covered in compressive dressing. The only thing that wasn't covered was my arms. There was a cutout in the middle inbetween in the girdle so I could go to the bathroom- Guess I don't take this thing off to go to the bathroom- thank goodness cause its like trying to put a condom on a watermelon It's so tight! I'm much better now though- spent the week on the recliner. Thank goodness for Oxycodone and antibiotocs!I was in some serious achines and sore as hell , where I thought my boobs were gonna explode since he put the implants under the muscle, but things are much better now-all I wanna do is help out and get yelled at and to relax that I'll hurt something so I'm trying to be good and take it easy. Tom has been an absolute SAINT through all this! I cannot let him go unnoticed- He has taken care of me, gotten up,made breakfast for Thomas, gotten Brendan up, changed him- poopy diaper or not- and he doesnt DO poopy diapers! fed Brendan, dressed him,gotten Thomas to school, Schlepped Brendan with him, {every day this is}Brought me my meds, each time I needed them {cause I couldn't get up }took care of my dressings,made lunch, dinner,took care of the house, went shopping for food and christmas shopping {WITH KIDS in tow!} picked thomas up from school - went to doctors appts,did garbage cut the lawn, plus put up christmas decorations outside,All the while manages to do his work as well! and explain "sorry about the background noise -my wife had surgery so I'm playing Mr. Mom this week". when the 8 mo old screams in the background. I know I have bitched and moaned In the past but I have to say , I have One AWESOME husband! This just proves it right here . Who else who do all that and care all that much Just watching him this week with the kids and doing what he was doing, I couldn't have felt prouder to be his wife! Makes me try all the more harder to be good and take it easy So I can take care of him the way it'll be deserved.God I love my man! :)So that's my surgery update. I now have boobies that weren't there before- from a size 32A, to anow { looks inshirt}erm..34B ? No Playboy Double d's. I'd fall over- I'm too small- plus I dont have enough skin for that! something for shape! and now I also have a chin that wasn't there before - no mor elooking like a rat for a profile. and also have no more "muffin top" when ever I put on a pair of jeans- you know - that flab that hangs over your jeans that wont go way no matter what! I got my momminess back! That was my Christmas present. expensive, but wort it and will last a long long time. For now, I'm me again!
December 6, 2006
Post Surgery Update- The New Me!
Posted by
1:15 PM
November 25, 2006
Tomorrow's Surgery
Tomorrow I go in and am going to have plastic surgery on my chin, stomach, and boobs.- It's an early Christmas present from Tom to me. I have been wanting a boob job for a while, {considering the fact that I have been boobless for like 24 years !} I'm finally getting up the nerve and getting it done. Tom and I have been shopping around for the right doctor, and this guy seems alright. He's suppposedly made a new way of inserting the implant with a "no scar" after effect. Sounds good to me! while we were there, we decided to get my scar revision fixed that my OB had botched from my C- section when Brendan was born - it kinda goes on an up turn - kinda unsightly, and then{the Dr.} mentioned that he can do A mini abdominoplasti where he sews up the muscles in the tummy from pregnancy making the tummy flat again while hes doing the scar revision so we agreed to that somehow then snuck in a chin job - fo free if we paid for the implant- when we were done, we might as well have got a new car Tom said this guy should be selling new cars !He's got 20 yrs experience and fellowships under his belt , a little cocky andf full of himself, but all in all very nice. The staff is very nice and the do the whole thing right in his office which he has the license to do., which is convenient.We can go in on a Sunday even and get the whole thing done- he's dedicating his whole day just for me- even coming back early from his Thanksgiving vacation to do the procedure to focus on me- I was flattered- not many doctors would do that. Thats pretty cool. Anyway, he took pictures and all that,and we did labs and everything we needed to do and I go in tomorrow at 9 AM . I can't eat or drink anything after 12 midnight. Its supposed to be a 6 hr procedure- they better knock me out good! Wish me luck! Next time, I post I'll have Boobies and a chin! :)
Posted by
8:29 AM
November 12, 2006
Brendan's First Haircut
Tonight I gave Brendan his First haircut. He had this Donald Trump hairstyle goin on that was just getting a little too long and getting in his eyes, and after a while, people started coming up to us and saying " what's HER name" whn they would see me with Brendan .I would be like, " OK, that's a signal the hair has to go! " So for a week or so Tom and have been saying that Brendan needed a haircut, but neither one of us had the A- the guts to do it, B- wanted to screw up his first haircut, and C- wanted to see his sweet first little locks go bye bye! :( Until yesterday we went to this Ribfest and Brendan had this MEAN birdsnest in his hair and that was kinda the last straw. Today I gave him a bath, washed his hair and took out my haircutting scissors, called Tom after he went out with his brother to the mall and let him know I was gonna do the dirty deed and told him to wish me luck! I think it came out pretty good considering I haven't cut hair in years!I think Brendan looks totally different with his new look !Still as sweet as can be and was the perfect client aside from keeling over onto my cup of water spilling it onto the changing table! The before and afters are a big difference! I think Mom was watching over me and guidng my hand a sI went along, because Brendan's hair came out like it was done by a Hairdresser which mom has done ever since I can remember! freaky huh? Thanks Mom! I owe ya one! :) Who says there's no Guardian angels out there? ;)
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9:37 PM
November 1, 2006
Happy Halloween!
Tonight we went Trick or Treating as a family with the boys and with the neighbors next door. This was also Brendan's first year celebrating Halloween, He looked SOOO ADORABLE in his little dragon costume! Thomas looked terrific in his Wolverine costume too ! He made out like a bandit with all his candy! I think he had more fun giving OUT candy when we got home than GETTING the candy around the neighborhood! LOL too funny! Anyway, we walked around with the kids next door and it came to a point Thomas' pumpkin got too heavy to carry anymore and he wanted to go home, so we did- he'll be eating candy for months! { or Tom and I will!} So anyway, Happy Halloween!
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1:22 AM
October 31, 2006
School Halloween Party
Today was Thomas' Halloween party at his school. It was soo cute! they started off the day with a costume parade down the corridors, then had a halloween party in his classroom. There were other moms there to help out withthe party and crafts, and I was real glad i went. I was able to bring Thomas home earlly since the kids wouldn't be able to concentrate on annything but trick or treating later! Everybody had a great time!
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5:33 PM
October 26, 2006
Hat Day
I was cleaning the house today, and came across some hats and decided to pick on Brendan for a while as we got off to a bumpy morning where Thomas was yet in another one of those moods where all he wanted to do was play and insisted he didn't have school and wouldn't get dressed , and wouldn't finish his breakfast, wouldn't put on his socks and shoes and the clock was seemingly ticking faster and faster towards departure time to hop in the van and get to school! - Then we get in the van , and it's " I need my toys! " so we turn off the car and unlock the house and get his forever "blimp {which is a submarine} and airplane - the kid has THOUSANDS of toys but insists on these two items to play with that make the most racket- I swear I'm gonna drive off the road one day the way he plays in the backseat! Then I'm looking for my sunglasses , because the morning sun is KILLING my eyes !again- turn off the van, unlock the house, look for them , theyre in the baby bag I left inside- the right arm is broken by the ear- how the hell? sh-- whatever- I can't afford new ones and they still fit on my head so I'll make due. Lock the house. By this time its a quarter after. We gotta go. We're pulling out and he says" It's Hat Day today! Dude ! You gotta think of these things the night BEFORE! NOT as we're pulling out of the driveway! We gotta go.. so we go to school with no hat. I feel like a schmuck, but if we searched for one, We would'ave been with late the morning traffic as it is. Turns out we got there 8:35-with all the idiots tailgating each other- I dont like to risk things. So I gotta clean up before Tom gets home tonite and thought I'd take one last breather after my much needed shower that no one let me take all week! This one screamed blue murder all morning but is finally calm- all he wanted was company and a bottle. So we're playing a little dress up to calm both our spirits and pick us both up :)It IS Hat Day after all~! I know its cruel , but for some reason , I think he enjoys it! LOL Ahh my lil sidekick.:)
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1:55 PM
October 25, 2006
Stop Calling!!
I just put Brendan down for his nap, and for some reason, every non - profit organization keeps calling my house looking for donations this morning !! WTF? Thank you VERY @#$ Much for keep waking my son up people! If I want to donate to you and can afford it , I WILL! for now, quit calling my house! I got Kids Wish Network, Florida PBA, Firemans Fund, St Jude, and now that its election time, I got them leaving recordings on my machine- " this ones no good , " vote for this one for 2006" dont for get to vote for this one on such and such a such a date..' Shut up I know ! GAH! thing is ,I cant do the do not call, because I have donate to them in the past, and so theyre allowed call once you have done past business withthenm according to the "do not call"bilines andthe same goes for election time guys- its just for the telemarketers that can tcall that have to stick to the donot call list - everybody else is fair game- why bother being on the list? ugh. just venting.. Trying to get my son to take a nice nap and all these disturbing phone calls waking him up just arent helping making him cry every 15 minutes.;(
Posted by
12:40 PM
October 23, 2006
In The Air Again
Tom is off and in the air again. This time to a conference to Tuscon, Arizona. It seems like he goes on business, comes home, washes his clothes, catches up on banking,the football game and the mail, we go grocery shopping for the next weeks meals and supplies and he's offf again! I kinda felt bad for him this past flight whereas half the plane he was on didn't get their luggage back! HOW do you lose half a plane's luggage? That's beyond me! He has no luck when it comes to flying. He has flown in hurricanes, snowstorms, rain, wind, turbulence, had tornadoes touchdown while at the airport, barely got a car when the blackout hit N.Y. , had the NASTIEST people sit next to him and had the worst seats, had his luggage sent to a different state to where he was going, now had his luggage lost and had to have it delivered to the house.Now I find out this flight to AZ he had a military guy curl up in the seat nex to him and try and sleep and hang his head over the side and puke in the isle next to him ! Can you say EWWW??!! Then the airline Attendant tried to get him to fasten his seatbelt which he wouldnt and was just an all around beligerent passenger and had to be escorted off the plane by the fire department before all the other passengers could get off. You just can't make this stuff up! I tell Tom thanks that it makes for good Blogging material! ;)Poor guy can't catch a break. Then he gets to his hotel rooom and everytime he comes out of the bathroomhe's greeted by a spider! I would be freaking out the arachnaphobic that I am! He comes home on Thursday so he won't be there for long. He's at the conference all day long anyway. I told him to check his shoes for scorpions too while he's at it- Arizona is known for scorpions and black widow spiders to shake his shoes before he puts them on. I'd like him to come home alive and not in a bodybag thank you very much! This is his last trip for a little while I believe . It's just for a couple days , -not long. He always misses the boys terribly. They always go nuts when he returns- Especially the litttle one because he's not used to object permanence yet so its like a long game of peeka boo to him-Thomas he just wants to know and can't wait to see what daddy brought him this time-the greedy miser! ;) Didnt miss dadddy- just whad ya bring me and where's my toy? J/K I'm sure he missed him- he's just a toy collecting freak that's all. Me? I enjoy the peace and quiet and access to the computer! LOL but yeah I miss him but the separation is good for us so I actually don't mind us being apart- absence makes the heart grow fonder I always say. I go to church and say a prayer for his safe journey there and back and good health and thank God for such a wonderful man in my life who takes such good care of me and my family and is such a wonderul provider for us all. I do envy him a bit getting to travel to all these places I'd like to go to - but its not like he gets to sightsee or anything-hes holed up in a hotel room to sleep then goes to an office or conference room to work all day, then hotel rooom, then airplane back home to here. Maybe one day when the kids are older we'll travel a little or FINALLY take our Honeymoon we never did.. But for now all I can wish is that he comes back home safely and has a safe trip as always because his idols miss him very much and can't wait to wrestle with him again :)
Posted by
9:46 PM
October 21, 2006
Pumpkin Festival
Today we went to the Hunsaker Farms Pumpkin festival .There must have been about 30 acres of land that had everything from circus acts, to country music bands playing,to hayrides,and games and food from BBQ to seafood with drinks to match, candy apples to funnell cakes, to bouncers and rides to ponyrides and facepainting to giant frog jumping contests . There was a farmers market and craft fair,cloggers and petting zoo, chainsaw sculpter,and train ride for the kids with oil drums cut in half with steering wheels put on and made into a long train and pulled by a tractor- too cute! There was something for everyone And of COURSE there was the pumpkin patch that Thomas picked out a beauty just before we left that he just HAD to have made into a jack -o-lantern before the night was through! . The weather was just GORGEOUS- A bit on the hot side, the next weekend would have a costume contest, -I'm glad we didnt do that , because if this Indian summer weather keeps up, the kids would just ROAST! There were some people already being carted away in ambulances because of the heat , and Thomas was smearing his face paint because he was sweating so bad- never mind adding a halloweeen costume on top of that! Was a real nice Saturday outing. A day so nice , everyone is turning in early from all the fun. Gotta love those kinda days!
Posted by
11:47 PM
October 20, 2006
She's Baaaack
I was looking out the door before, and noticed this Florida softshell turtle that keeps coming in our yard when ever it rains - {or lately whenever}was back again. Its really an ugly thing! But who am I to say- God has lots of ugly animals, But they all fulfill a purpose the way they're built that makes them so odd looking. Anyway, this thing drives me nuts! It runs over my Heliconia plants in the back corner of my yard, flattening them when it crawls under the fence to come in, I had Gladiolas too which he /she used to flatten as well. So today I looked out the door and saw It was back AGAIN. This thing has been put in a box, brought back across the street to the pond where it came from, shooed back under the fence, - gotta watch it because it has a neck a foot long with a temper to match.It will bite if provoked so I keep Thomas away from it n& just show him it from afar. So today I took my camera and decided to follow it. I noticed it was scooting away, {they're pretty fast too. It stopped under the boat trailer and decided to dig a ditch and tuck its head in HUH! looks like this one id a mommy turtle and wants to lay some eggs under our boat! No No NO !Not there dummy !We ever want to move the boat { which we will since this things going up for sale SOON.! We don't need any baby ugly turtle running arounfd the yard! Oy vay! What is this Turtle Bay? First snappers, then painteds, now ugly Softshels- gotta get rid a the pond - must be whats attracting them..
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7:41 PM
Cravin' The Sauce
Ever since the Rib Crib closed down it's location by us, Tom has been TOTALLY bummed every time we drive by where it once hung it's sign. Granted it wasn't there for long, And from what we knew didn't seem to get alot of business because when ever we used to go in to pickup our orders there never seemed to be alot of people inside,and when they were closing, their sign said "negotiating contract-be back soon!" or something to that extent then the next week had no sign up- we were like what the? Oh NOOOOO! and when it first came to town, we mocked the hell out of the place going" Rib Crib? what the hell kind of name is that? But Oh Man! was their food good! and the sauce !OH! That's what Tom is mostly upset about is that he can't get their sauce anymore.. I had their packets in my crisper in the refrigerator, and when we were forced to get the BBQ up the street { My man HAS to have his BBQ fix for football you know! } I'd find a leftover Rib Crib packet lingering in the back of the crisper and he'd come running goin' get outta my way! LOL was too funny! Now I just found A leftover takeout menu in my junk drawer and found Rib Crib's website on it- seems you can ORDER their sauces ONLINE! I think I just found one of Tom's Christmas presents :) He's a bear about finding Xmas presents or draggin it outta ya though so maybe I'll hide it at His mom's .But cool deal anyway! and 4 bucks for 18 oz jar? Deal! I'll buy a couple for that price for how much he likes the stuff!Wheres my Visa card? Now, what do I want? The age old question....
Posted by
12:43 PM
October 19, 2006
Lil' Swinger
This morning I took Brendan to the park after I dropped Thomas off at school. we went for a walk on the trails, then stopped off for a little swing action. { I know, you might be thinking - isn't he bit SMALL for the swings? } actually- he LOVED them! he sat up fine, and held on to the triangle part, and had the biggest smile on his face! we played peek a boo, and "im gonna get you.." - he had a ball! I don't think he wanted to leave! But I still have some leftover housecleaning to get done before Tom gets back from his business trip from Virginia - Yup he 's gone AGAIN. It's been an awful quiet month . A week in Kansas City, then a week home, then back again, then to Virginia , then next week to Arizona.He's only home on the weekends for me to do his laundry , then off again. - like having a 35 yr old College student! Only past the college and doing the job part- you what I mean ! Well It was hard leaving He had such a nice time and he looked so cute on the swing. I guess I know what I'm getting for Christmas for the swingset in the backyard- another swing seat so he can swing now! Thomas seems to have stopped using it for a while, maybe if he sees his brother using it , maybe we'll get some more use out if again !Hmmm.. Since he loves playing with his brother so much.These two are quite a pair neve rthought I could love them as much as I do. Just too cute for words.
Posted by
1:30 PM
October 18, 2006
Award Day
Today was Thomas' awards ceremony at his school for the Kindergardeners. They had awards for merits for effort, and attendance, and they give out certificates for cupcakes and pizza and free games for bowling at the local bowling alley and pizza at the pizza parlor and cupcakes at the local supermarket {Publix} for initiative- The Kids were so cute and so well behaved. I felt bad for one boy In Thomas' class- His mm showed up late, and dad couldn't come so he was in total tears! Thomas was looking for me the entire time until he FINALLY looked to his LEFT and saw there I was and I waved and he breathed a sigh of relief cause he saw how upset his friend was and was getting increasingly worried himself I saw. then turned and became involved in the ceremony. -Too cute. I was in the corner because I had Brendan with me in the "cadillac" and didn't know where to park him in the cafeteria so I was kind of off to where the rest of the parents were.Anyway, I'm very proud of him, he's doing much better in school since the year began. He's had his first quarter review already and it was a very good one. He's going to do very well There I think.
Posted by
6:04 PM
First Toofie!
Today as I was feeding Brendan his lunch, I noticed he kept sticking his finger in his mouth and was really irritable- moreso than most days. He's usually pretty fun to get along with. I knew he was hungry, and usually , once you pop something- ANYTHING in his mouth, he shuts up ! This time - uh uh. so I check out his mouth , and lo and behold I see a little bit of white sticking out ! My little peanut is got a little toofer comin in! It seems just about right, because according to my baby book, Thomas was just about the same age- almost EXACT when he got HIS first tooth- 7 months- give or take a week. Brendan will be 7 months in 3 days. He was real up set - thank goodness I have some baby Orajel around - I picked it up last month because he was drooling like a son of a ... I knew it wouldn't be long so figured I better pick some up just in case- Good thing I did ! Today he just seemed unbearable. Like the Orajel wasnt working- I have a teether too, but he wanted no part of it, I tried a banana in one of those mesh feeding bags- that seemed to help some- it was food and soft - easy on his gums- I tried Ice in the mesh food bag, uh uh - didnt like that at all, so we went back to the banana. Then later we went to religion class. I volunteered some and explained I might have to leave due to a teething baby, but B was pretty good- he held out for 45 minutes, then got hungry and tired and noisy, so we left- only had half an hour to go. Not bad. My lil Bombino Brendini's Finally gettin Toofies! So the journey begins! Again.
Posted by
5:04 PM
October 16, 2006
I Pledge Allegiance...
Today at Thomas' school, Thomas Got to say the Pledge Of Allegiance on the T.V in front of the entire school. He was chosen by the Media Department and was recorded and broadcast for all to see. After I dropped him off at school, I was also going to volunteer at the book fair at 9:00. I had to drop the baby seat off at home,in case Tom needed it since he was going to watch Brendan for a couple hours while I volunteered at the school. When I got back to the school, I missed Thomas by like minutes- I was so mad! Lousy freakin trucks! If I have to get stuck behind one more truck in traffic I'm tellin ya it'll be too soon! I swear they see me comin and Boom! get right in front of me and drop 30 MPH! I hauled Ass to get to his school back in time for the Book Fair, but if I would have gotten there earlier, maybe I could have seen Thomas give the Pledge of Allegiance address in The Media Center where I was doing the Book Fair. Darn. They said He did an awesome job though. said his head looked really round on the screen- like 10 pounds was added- so I guess the camera really DOES add 10 pounds like they say! If only it was permanent- He could use a little weight on him the bagabones! LOL We both had a great day My lil boys a Media man now ;) said he liked being on T.V. Who knows, maybe this could be the start of somethin..
Posted by
9:55 PM
October 14, 2006
Give Him His Toy!
The other day I was in the store and bought a little toy for Brendan that caught his eye.since then, Thomas has NOT left this toy alone! Dude, you're a little too old to be playing with this age group of a toy,but ever since I got pregnant with Brendan, Thomas has been FASCINATED with baby toys! I think We took away his baby toys a little too prematurely when he was younger or something . Like- ok, youre not 6 months anymore? lets move on...and donated them- and gave him older toys. Now that he sees Brendans toys, He loves playing with him. So Now Brendan has this musical Stacking toy- He had the same thing when he was a baby, just not so flashy, and now won't let Brendan play with it- So now Brendan got all pissed. I was like Give your Brother back his toy! The expression on Brendan's face breaks my heart he was in tears! 5 times I told Thomas Give Your brother back his toy dangit! Youre to old for that! Tell me the toy stage is not starting already. - I was hoping this much in age difference I wouldnt have this problem... but I guess I will. Only it seems backwards- the older one wants the YOUNGER ONES toys , not the other way around,- Ahh well.. thats the logic around my house. -*rolleyes* Such is my world.That's what keeps it fun around here.
Posted by
11:51 AM
October 13, 2006
Van Repairs
Yesterday morning I was driving Thomas to school, when I'm backing out of the driveway, and my van stalls and dies on me! WTF? I coast into the middle of the street and was like okayy... I put it in drive, try to give it some gas, nothing. I try reverse, nothing.I try to start it. Nothing. What the hell's going on here??! It's a new van for Criminy's sake! I just got it a month or so ago! Ok, 3 months, but that's neither here nor there. Thomas now is getting all upset going"we're gonna be late for school!" and starts crying."No one's gonna be late for schoool" I said as I flag down my neighbor leaving for work and ask for a jump- he obliges and as I get my cables out that I've never used before- theyre brand new that I keep in case of emergency in a kit that I have in my car In case of breakdowns and such_Tom thought I was nuts but HAH! here we are- I told my neighbor " lemme try one more time just in case so we don't damage each other's cars in case its nothing, and the darn thing fired back up again and started! I was like "what the??" and felt like a jackass in front of my neighbor and apologized but thanked him all the same. Then today I took it to my dealership and told them what happened, and they took a look at it for me first keeping it for the day and sending me and the kids home in a courtesy van - that was no picnic- bringing a stroller, a carseat, an infant carseat/w/base plus 6month old and 5 yr old because he had no school today. Then around 430 they picked us up again with a courtesy van when the van was ready - stroller, carseat, baby, carrier/base, five year old and myself all packed in to get my van and when I found out the price to pay for it? My jaw hit the floor!! 434.10!! I was like in shock! I said "what did you do??" I said "All you did was put new spark plugs in right? Thats all my husband authorized you to do ...." they said "yes that's right" so I said "so where did the rest of this money go to? " they said " that was the labor". Again shock. Who charges 352 .00 for labor???! I asked "how much were the spark plugs?" she said "48.00."I said "hell I coulda bought those!" I said I had a coupon for 10% off service and she rolled her eyes she had to ring it all up again - it saved me 40 bucks - whoopee- the price of the spark plugs! So now my grand total was 394 .64 - Those spark plugs better have been dipped in gold for THAT price! That's what we get for not buying the extended warrantee! A repair bill out the you know where! And for what? A misfiring engine from sparkplugs.They wanted to do a tune up, but that would cost 700 dollars! Thanks but what do I look like ? A money tree? I'll take it one thing at a time thank you! If I can fix it CHEAPLY at home I WILL thank you! 352 .00 for labor - never heard of such highway robbery in my life.. If I wasn't going away up north for Christmas I'd tell you to go take a walk... *mumble grumble mumble..352 dollars.....mmmmmm*
Posted by
11:54 PM
September 29, 2006
A Little Help Here?
Today Brendan awoke from his nap in a bit of a pickle. He started out fine, nice ride to drop Thomas off at school,then a nice deep snooze in the car on the way there and the way home- the daily routine. I then carry him to his crib and lay him down and he's out till further notice. When Brendan Finally awoke with such a distressed cry, I hurried into his room to see what was up besides him! I couldn't help but stifle a supressed laugh at the predicament he had gotten himself into! Not only had he slid himself outside of the cribrails, but had no way of scooting himself back in again! so this I'm sure made him even more concerned and upset To cry out for even more help from Mommy besides wanting to wake up now!So we finally fixed ourselves out of our little situation after a good laugh {although I don't think he found it very funny}and went and had a nice yummy lunch together. I tell ya , this little guy is just full of surprises lately,he sure has me guessing what's gonna happen next!
Posted by
3:35 PM
September 27, 2006
Got It Covered Mom!
Today while at breakfast,Brendan decided he couldn't wait for me to sit down and hold his bottle for him like I usually do while he washes down his oatmeal, I had to get his Brother off and ready for school- make lunch and make sure he had his clothes on and brushed his teeth and didnt have bedhead- {the usual morning routine}- so he decided- that's o.k. mom- I got it covered.. and reached out to where I left his bottle next to him where I had to run off for a minute of chaos and /or drama and Brendan went and took his OWN bottle and started drinking away.. what's this? no no no !!not so soon!He's only 6 months! My how they grow up so fast right before your eyes! Mr independence! Look at you ! Now if only you can change your OWN smelly diapers we'd be all set! * sigh * a mom can dream can't she?
Posted by
11:40 AM
September 12, 2006
Soccer Mom
I guess you can oficially call me a soccer mom! I enrolled Thomas in a recreational soccer league by his school that they were advertising in the parking lot so I applied online. When I went to the field to confirm him, what a turnout! Holy smokes! there musta been about 300 kids there all shapes and ages! I wasn't sure how he'd like it, so I bought him shin guards and cleates cheap in case he didn't want to play next season or hated it right after the first practice.. Talk about a duck takin to water! he LOVED it! he was runnin around kickin the ball, chasing kids he never knew, havin a grand ol' time! and given the fact it had just rained he loved it even more- he was splashing in the puddles and grass getting totally soaked head to toe thinking nothing of it-{ there goes my freshly washed van with the grass just been cut too on the field ;(}next week is another practice, and Saturday the 30th is the Jamboree Carnival that kicks off the first games of the season- our first game is at 11:00. should be lots of fun. Thomas does really good with the ball and really enjoys the game. Think we found ourself a sport he likes. I was gonna go with Karate, but think this one is a winner !wish us luck! thought I'd share. Go Braden River Rage! :)
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7:33 PM
September 6, 2006
Thomas' New Room
Well we finally decided to fix up Thomas' room. It was a little more challenging than we thought,but fun. I got to help this time, since last ime with Brendan's room I was pregnant and couldn't go anywhere near paint fumes-Tom DID do most of the work since I had to keep the baby away and tend to him mostly, but I did help out with the trim, and taping the room,and helping keep the kids busy and feeding the troops. The gruntwork you might say! I helped paint the doors and the chairmolding and the trim and baseboard in the garage and bring it back in the rooom-I must say it made a BIG improvement- ! Tom did an EXCELLENT job I have to say! Thomas' room looks more mature for his age,and we put a closet organizer in his closet for his clothes, and got rid of some of his toys that he doesnt play with and put some away for when Brendan gets older, and donated some to charity.While we were painting we stored his toys in the living room for a few days while we set everything up and decided what to do with everything because only a third of his toys made it back into his room- Ever see that show on TLC "Clean Sweep"? UHH HUH! LOL Keep Sell Toss or donate BABY! oy! looked like a toystore threw up in our livingroom for a few days! wasn't pretty - good thing we didnt have company over ! which reminds me- I STILL got a pile of a couple toys that have a trip to go to Goodwill to make I never got around to that I was waiting till Thomas was in school to make - maybe this afternoon... Thats how we live round here! So onto the rest of the house- what room is next? Hmmm.. living room? family room? we'll have to see.. for now thought I'd show a before and after of T's room that we FINALLY tackled 3 years later! oh well better late than never!;)
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12:11 AM
August 7, 2006
First Day Of School
Well, today I became the mommy of a Kindergardener! Thomas is now getting the feel of his first day in Kindergarden as we speak. Started out well. Got up at 6 am , had the clothes out last night, got him and myself to bed early, got the supplies on the counter ready to go, names all on everything, lunch packed and ready to go , teeth brushed, boy bathed, just had to feed the baby, give Thomas breakfast, make sure he was dressed, and fed hair brushed, and we got there in time to get a parking spot . I had this all planned out. Then he did it. We're in the car. and he starts crying. Don't do this to me! I had been up since 3 thinking about how big he's gotten and that I wasn't gonna cry! 'What does he say? " I'm still a little Boy! " and starts crying! so he starts me going! I said " oh buddy! you gotta go and do this NOW! ? we give each other hugs , wipe the tears , and I say. you're gonna have a GREAT time. he says ."but I'm scared" so I start crying AGAIN. I said "theres nothing to be scared of- -Youre gonna make lots of cool things, and lots of great new friends, and learn lots of new things, and have snack time, and lunch time, and get to go go outside on the playground, and before you know it, itll be time to go home, and you wont even know WHERE the time went you'll be having so much fun and I wanna hear ALL about it! every last bit of it! ok?" and he said ok, MoM? I love you" i really really love you"
" and that made me cry even MORE it was so sweet and heartfelt the way he said it! He's such an angel. So the school had what was called a "Boo-Hoo" breakfast for all the new parents who were dropping off their first time kids at school or returning back to schoolers and were just "whoo- hooers"- was real nice-met some other weepy moms there - turns out to be a really nice school I chose for Thomas.Turns out they won a gold star award again and became an A school again over the summer by the district or state due to test scores which I'm happy about. Its a very family oriented school and they have alot of fun things coming up like socials and fairs and dances for kids as well as parents and are looking for volunteers - I think I might join. . The staff is SOO friendly Like SITCOM friendly its unreal! I think he's really gonna like it thereI know I will! Anyway, here's some pics of his first day.. Heres by the couch at home, and some from my cellphone in his classroom..
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3:46 PM