Today I took Thomas to the Fountains which is a really cool park that's here where we live-its's aprk by the marina that has these jetlike fountains that blast up from the ground for the kids to splash and play in -kinda like sprinklers only more fun!The weather was a mild 75 degrees and suny -perfect park weather,and Tom was having a real bear of a day, so after school, I packed some lunch, and some juice bags and snacks and madea picnic for Thomas and I and headed down to Marina Jacks to the Fountains for an afternoon of some fun in the sun. He had a ball! He got some interaction with some kids at the park, then played with the babies in the baby section{ he LOVES lil abies which makes me feel SOOOO good about knowing hes gonna be a great big brother when the baby comes- hes SOOO gentle when it comes to babies}Then we went to play in the fountains with our bathing suit-me I stayed dry and snapped pictures and just enjoyed watching him have all the fun!;)He was alil leery at first as last time we came here was last year and he had a nasty accident where he slipped on the water on the steps and fell down 12 steps and scraped himself up real goodand I got yelled at for not watching him- what was I gonna do/ catch him? I can't catch him falling down wateery stairs_its one of those things... but he did just fine- he karate chopped the water streams and had a ball this time and climbed on the statues like nothing ever happened- My lil monkey! Glad we came - was a real nice day- and by nighttime- he passed out and slept like a log!! mission accomplished and daddy had a nnice peaeful house all to himself to get his crazy workday accomplished- there's always a method to my madness...;)
February 24, 2006
A Day at the Fountains
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10:23 PM
February 19, 2006
Happy Birthday Thomas!!
Today we Celebrated Thomas' 5th Birthday at Chuckie Cheese's He had a Blast! Out of the 11 kids and 12 adults that were invited, 9 showed up and and there were still12 adults which was a nice turnout. We had lots of pizza, and ordered separate pies for the parents which wound up coming home with us - we had Chuckie pizza leftovers for days that eventually wound up getting thrown out because we were sick of it after awhile! We had two yummy cakes that also came home with us that we ate -they make a darn good birthday cake! And TONS of tokens and tickets that we have yet to go back and redeem and play the games and get our tickets and redeem them for cool prizes because we have so many! free refills on drinks, and Chuckie came out and sang Happy Birthday and danced for the kids and said hello and the kids and adults played the games to their hearts content.All in all it was a really nice time and I'm really glad I splurged on the party for Thomas. he is Sooooo worth it and such a good kid he more than deserved it, and boy did he make out! He was looking forward to this party since the moment I started planning it with him. He made sure we invited his number one buddy Beck and had him sit right next to him at his party it was too cute!They are just best buds to the end!He got all he wanted , including the weather which was picture perfect.The Gods shone down on him with loving eyes today and made the most out of his day today and he did the same! Happy Birthday lil man-You deserve it! I love you lil monkey! I'd do it again in a heartbeat if I could with the reaction and out come and reception that was recieved today!
Posted by
9:48 PM
February 17, 2006
Busy Busy Busy!
This weekend Tom finally decided to tackle the baby's room. He did a wonderful job too! He started off by doing the closet, and taping off the moulding around the room. It took a couple coats, but the color really came out nice. Thomas even pitched in to help paint with his own sense of style and flair.. It was just to adorable watching the two of them paint together! I HAD to get some shots in! I wish I could have helped, but being pregnant. I had to stay away from the fumes. They werent that bad though I must say.. The room was well ventilated, and the walls dried 123. When they dried, I helped with the taping, and now we just have to do the border around the room. We forgot to get sponges,- Its prepasted wall border- we got a squeegee, but it might not be good enough.. so maybe this weekend we'll do the border.Tom's not too happy on the fact that he has to make his office just off the family room in a little corner of the already wide open space, and not closed off like it once was and you can hear everything like Thomas' playing - he's a very LOUD player I'll add- we have to keep telling him to keep it down- daddy's on the phone.. but it's hard- he's only 5..Wait till the baby comes!!- we're looking into converting the lanai into an office to make things work..On top of that we have Thomas' party at Chuckie Cheese this weekend, -11 kids and 12 adults. should be fun. He deserves it. I confirmed it yesterday, and ordered a bunch of balloons for the centerpiece of the table. We just gotta sit back and let them do everything. They supply the cake, tokens and tickets for games, free refills for sodas, goodie bags for the kids, Chuckie comes out and hangs with the kids for a bit, we just show up. With all the focus on the baby lately, I wanted to shine a lil light on him for a bit. Tom's out at Toyr r Us getting presents as we post.;) I got him an XMen plane and Wolverine action figure whichll blow his mind..;) he loves wolverine.. and Power rangers still .. Donno what it is about Power Rangers, but he loves em! and The Super Robot Monkeys from Jetix on Tv- Yup hes a boy! the Big 0-5! Well, that's the scoop for this week. baby's great,almost 5 pounds now and 32 cm and only 6 weeks to go! until next time!...
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10:33 PM
February 15, 2006
Best Friends
Today Thomas had his friend beck over from school. these two get along SOOOOO well its adorable!!! They hug each other in school, and are just INSEPARABLE! they play together, they sit at the same table, at home its Thomas this and Beck that, and " when can Beck come over again?" " Beck is my brother and best friend". This boy's parent's were having the taxman over, so I agreed to watch him for a while after school, and these two had a blast! They played light sabers, and on the swingset outback, and they played with every super hero Thomas had, and his walkie talkies around the house, when it came time to leave, they didn't want to separate! The next day,they were even closer, and they wanted to go in each other's cars, but Beck was going camping and had to pack so he had to go and the two left school together in tears! So bad they had ME in tears because it was so touching! I explained that beck would see Thomas at his birthday on Sunday and it would only be for a couple days that he'd be gone and he'd see him again... and ohh it was sooo sad! I asked really why Thomas was crying, and he said because beck was crying and he didn't want to see him cry and that made me cry! I felt like such a baby with tears in my eyes in front of the father but I just couldn't help it- my weakness is I can't stand to see anyone cry! I just start tearing up myself! especially being pregnant and all hormonal! But these two make quite a pair together Talk about best friends- if there wasever a pair made for one another - it was these two!!
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8:05 PM
February 4, 2006
What's New
I recieved the shirts I ordered from for Thomas and Brendan I had made up-so they can wear them together when the time comes -Thought they came out cute! Whadda ya think? Tom was like oh lord you didn't -whaddamy gonna do with you? {didn't exactly SAY it , but when I showed him, he rolled his eyes and and gave a thumbs up and a nod and its kinda like what it looked like what he said..} Hey I couldn't resist! anyway I thought it was adorable and had to do it! Let's see what else is going on ?.. Wednesday we went to see the new Pediatrician for Brendan as Thomas'Ped isn't taking anymore newborns as of the new year in the Nicu or nursery rounds as it interferes with her morning hours of her practice, she had to make a choice between the two { i know Waah} but its only for 6 months and then we can take him to see her.. who knows ? maybe we'll like the new doctor better and switch , but he's much further away thats the kicker.. I also went and preregistered for the hospital and my epidural so that's taken care of.. had to watch some 15 min. cheesy video of what's involved and the how they do it.. hey at least I'll be able to see what's going on this time! I'm a trooper, I can handle it! I also did the school choice thing for Thomas for Kindergarden, Pray for me..that we get in to the school that I want {name withheld..}Its a really good school- we DONT want the ones in the area here where he's zoned for for personal reasons.. just feel he'd get a MUCH better education and stay out of trouble where I want him choiced.Tom's Birthday is tomorrow. He wants a Punching bag and heavybag - I guess I can swing that - saw a deal at Sam's for not such a bad price. - Speaking of birthdays,I set Thomas' up and made reservations at Chuckie Cheese's for the 19th yesterday for 12 kids and adults. Should be interesting and fun. I wanted to do something special this year for him with all that's going on with the baby - the attention being focused on him and all- wanted to let him know {Thomas} he's not being forgotten about and still my #1 monkey and always will be- put him front and center for a bit ya know?So I've been a bit busy for bit, But that's my update for now! We finally got a crib mattress for the crib, checked in on the last days of Baby Days at Walmart today, Tomorrow's SuperBowl so we picked up some goodies for that while we were there, While Tom's watching the game, I'll sneak up to Walmart tomorrow and get some ingredients to make him a cake for his Birthday. 36.. Gettin' old! ;) Guess I won't nag him on his birthday about the babies room.. I'll bug him next week. Until next time! Here's the matching shirts for Thomas and Brendan I ordered..too cute huh?
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9:32 PM