Today Brendan awoke from his nap in a bit of a pickle. He started out fine, nice ride to drop Thomas off at school,then a nice deep snooze in the car on the way there and the way home- the daily routine. I then carry him to his crib and lay him down and he's out till further notice. When Brendan Finally awoke with such a distressed cry, I hurried into his room to see what was up besides him! I couldn't help but stifle a supressed laugh at the predicament he had gotten himself into! Not only had he slid himself outside of the cribrails, but had no way of scooting himself back in again! so this I'm sure made him even more concerned and upset To cry out for even more help from Mommy besides wanting to wake up now!So we finally fixed ourselves out of our little situation after a good laugh {although I don't think he found it very funny}and went and had a nice yummy lunch together. I tell ya , this little guy is just full of surprises lately,he sure has me guessing what's gonna happen next!
September 29, 2006
A Little Help Here?
Posted by
3:35 PM
September 27, 2006
Got It Covered Mom!
Today while at breakfast,Brendan decided he couldn't wait for me to sit down and hold his bottle for him like I usually do while he washes down his oatmeal, I had to get his Brother off and ready for school- make lunch and make sure he had his clothes on and brushed his teeth and didnt have bedhead- {the usual morning routine}- so he decided- that's o.k. mom- I got it covered.. and reached out to where I left his bottle next to him where I had to run off for a minute of chaos and /or drama and Brendan went and took his OWN bottle and started drinking away.. what's this? no no no !!not so soon!He's only 6 months! My how they grow up so fast right before your eyes! Mr independence! Look at you ! Now if only you can change your OWN smelly diapers we'd be all set! * sigh * a mom can dream can't she?
Posted by
11:40 AM
September 12, 2006
Soccer Mom
I guess you can oficially call me a soccer mom! I enrolled Thomas in a recreational soccer league by his school that they were advertising in the parking lot so I applied online. When I went to the field to confirm him, what a turnout! Holy smokes! there musta been about 300 kids there all shapes and ages! I wasn't sure how he'd like it, so I bought him shin guards and cleates cheap in case he didn't want to play next season or hated it right after the first practice.. Talk about a duck takin to water! he LOVED it! he was runnin around kickin the ball, chasing kids he never knew, havin a grand ol' time! and given the fact it had just rained he loved it even more- he was splashing in the puddles and grass getting totally soaked head to toe thinking nothing of it-{ there goes my freshly washed van with the grass just been cut too on the field ;(}next week is another practice, and Saturday the 30th is the Jamboree Carnival that kicks off the first games of the season- our first game is at 11:00. should be lots of fun. Thomas does really good with the ball and really enjoys the game. Think we found ourself a sport he likes. I was gonna go with Karate, but think this one is a winner !wish us luck! thought I'd share. Go Braden River Rage! :)
Posted by
7:33 PM
September 6, 2006
Thomas' New Room
Well we finally decided to fix up Thomas' room. It was a little more challenging than we thought,but fun. I got to help this time, since last ime with Brendan's room I was pregnant and couldn't go anywhere near paint fumes-Tom DID do most of the work since I had to keep the baby away and tend to him mostly, but I did help out with the trim, and taping the room,and helping keep the kids busy and feeding the troops. The gruntwork you might say! I helped paint the doors and the chairmolding and the trim and baseboard in the garage and bring it back in the rooom-I must say it made a BIG improvement- ! Tom did an EXCELLENT job I have to say! Thomas' room looks more mature for his age,and we put a closet organizer in his closet for his clothes, and got rid of some of his toys that he doesnt play with and put some away for when Brendan gets older, and donated some to charity.While we were painting we stored his toys in the living room for a few days while we set everything up and decided what to do with everything because only a third of his toys made it back into his room- Ever see that show on TLC "Clean Sweep"? UHH HUH! LOL Keep Sell Toss or donate BABY! oy! looked like a toystore threw up in our livingroom for a few days! wasn't pretty - good thing we didnt have company over ! which reminds me- I STILL got a pile of a couple toys that have a trip to go to Goodwill to make I never got around to that I was waiting till Thomas was in school to make - maybe this afternoon... Thats how we live round here! So onto the rest of the house- what room is next? Hmmm.. living room? family room? we'll have to see.. for now thought I'd show a before and after of T's room that we FINALLY tackled 3 years later! oh well better late than never!;)
Posted by
12:11 AM