Having to ban my two partners in crime from certain rooms sometimes breaks my heart but has to be done for their own good and my own sanity!Sometimes I think I have THREE kids instead of two!One chews the other ones toys while the other one pulls plugs outof the wall,and gets into just about everything and helps the other one get out of "jail" when shes being punished. They're a perfect match for each other who keep each other company all day long and I see a lifelong relationship to come! They are too cute together!
October 23, 2007
Posted by
2:29 PM
Jack- O- lantern time!
It appears to be that time of year again where pumpkin festivals and Pumpkin picking and ahh yes , jack-o-lantern carving come to life! Saturday it started out bit of a miserable day with it drizzling, and the boys feeling not so up to par, and Brendan still feeling sluggish from him catching the croup.- WHERE he caught it, Heaven only knows! But he's been feeling much better though thank goodness! I decided to take them out for a little fresh air , even though it was a bit damp out- maybe not so smart. There was the Hunsader Farms Pumpkin Festival going on , with a petting zoo, clogging, good eats, face painting, the works. It rained while we drove there, but the sun came out and it turned out to be a really nice day. There as a barrel train to ride on, but the boys it turned out didn't want to do ANY of these things, given they were still feeling yucky from their getting over feeling sick. Oh well, you can't blame me for trying! We did however come home with a nice fat pumpkin for a Jack-o-lantern though, so last night Thomas and Tom carved him a good face that came out real nice it if you asked me! real friendly looking too! If there was an award for friendly looking Jack-o-lanterns, this one would take first place!
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10:48 AM
October 17, 2007
Today turned out to be not so good for the bombinos. Thomas yesterday got sent home from school with 100 degree fever and chills,so I had to go and pick him up from school, Brendan was cranky as heck, so I just figured he missed naptime. Dinnertime he wasn't his hungry self so I figured something must be up. He had a doctors appointment today so Id soon find out. It was a well check so nothing big. We woke up this morning, I was feeling much better as I myself had the chills and feeling like I was hit by a truck and watched Dancing With the Stars last night and hit the sack when that was over, I was all achey - donno why I didnt go to sleep earlier. Anyway, Thomas woke up with a fever and was coughing and feeling crummy, so he stayed home and I called the school again.I figured I'd take him to the doctor with me. Brendan woke up and he TOO had a fever of 99.5. Great. This morning's turning out JUST fine! He didnt want to get dressed, or eat,he was just a grump and looked like " some body just put me back to bed". We got to the doctor, and his fever was worse,101.4, and it turned out he has tonsilitis after having to pin him down to look in his ears and throat after him squirming and crying. He was supposed to get a shot and a checkup and be done with it, but when hes better we'll go back for that. Thomas just huddled in the corner crying make it stop! - He wasn't much help. So we stopped by Walgreens and picked up some Amoxicillan and put him down for a nap where he hasn't woken up yet.Its been almost 3 hours - he should be up soon. He needs the rest poor thing. Tonsilitis. Dang. any worse they can be removed- The doctor said he was really red. She said no wonder his appetite decreased he didnt want to eat. As for Thomas, well his appetite's always been crap. He's coming around I think- he just has this cough he can't get rid of but she didn't prescribe anything. Just to ride it out. Until tomorrow- I gotta get him back in school. Donuts with dads is tomorrow- Tom goes in and has breakfast with him- that'll get him to school..:) For now, Lots of juice and rest. And meds for my baby boy.. Ohh! he's up.. Gotta go!
Posted by
2:29 PM
October 14, 2007
Today I've become yet a victim of another sleaze crime - again. I woke to a normal morning, even got to sleep in a little bit as I decided to go to the later mass at church as after the mass, Thomas had choir practice. Tom was going to go up to Mcee Dee's to get some breakfast and take my van, and said to go outside and look inside. He said did you do that? I said "what"? I looked inside, and my whole console was strewn all over my passenger side seat. CRAP. Apparently someone waited till we went to sleep last night and decided to break into my van and Toms truck last night. Someone was looking for something. I checked to see if anything was missing,Tom was missing his change. I found my cellphone charger was gone, and told Tom, and he said where's your phone? I checked my purse and just the clip was in it. We went to Olive Garden and ran some errands yesterday, and in the meantime I was charging my phone on the way, so I never unplugged the phone and put it in my bag. They stole my phone PLUS the charger, sons a bitches! So Tom called the cops and they came by and took a statement and dusted my car for fingerprints.We were able to provide them with the sim number and serial number of the phone which they said was helpful in case they try and pawn it- it'll come up stolen and they'll get arrested. But damn, first my purse gets stolen, then the next year I get plowed, then I go and get my car siphoned for the gas as well as Tom's , then someone goes into my car and steals my phone? I'm sorry but What the F!@#$??! What has this world come to? And that's just ME! Just think of everyone else out there. Theres this rehab place around the block from where we live, which is where I think my phone took off to ,{since they keep coming round here causing trouble - cops are CONSTANTLY THERE} I wish I could just go over there and beat the crap outta the delinquents that have been doing this crap, BUT I have no evidence or proof so I can only sit and sulk and be pissed and get on with my life and trust yet one LESS human being in my life. The only good thing that comes outta this is I get to pick out an updated model phone to replace my old one. Replacing all my old stored numbers is going to be a pain ! Ah well not every cloud has a silver lining. My phone gets stolen and my car gets CSI'd. nice. But they don't take the DVD player in the back- morons. Must'ave been kids- had to have.Tom called Sprint and they were closed. Customer service was closed- he was livid! Sure to OPEN an account they were open but to close one they were closed? But then tried another number and kept hanging up on him, so he pretended to open one and yelled at the girl and got the phone suspended until we get another phone so we'd have the same number.tThis way the person who stole my phone doesn't run up a huge bill by calling whoever. So , you steal a phone,now you cant use it, you pawn it, your ass is grass. HAH! whos laughin now? Teach you to steal from me! Lets just hope it works..
Posted by
4:05 PM
October 9, 2007
Goose Bumps
It seems I've found a new man in my life.. Recently I put together a new blog in memory of MOM, and made up a playlist to compose some songs that I thought that would fit the purpose of the blog. Boy did get more that I bargained for! I came across Josh Groban who is a PHENOMENAl singer to put it lightly! The guy is only like 20 years old but sings like a 35 year old- the voice on him gives me goose bumps! I'm in love! He has this one song "Oceana" that puts me in tears every time I hear it, it's i believe the last track so far on the playlist , but there's others,like You raise me up, and he sings On Eagles Wings like none that I've heard! I'm going to ask for his CD for Christmas! He just gives me chills! I added a few of Moms songs that she liked plus a few others, I thought fit some. He's not only handsome, He's got the voice of an angel! Some body pinch me! heres the link to check it out http://oneaglswings.blogspot.com/
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4:46 PM