Saturday was our Blue and Gold banquet . It started out fine, Thomas was all excited to go, Tom was feeling a bit under the weather, but I really wanted the whole family to participate, so we picked up my mother in law and the whole family went. I had helped Thomas make a Rainbow Fish cake the day before, but that came out a disaster, so it wound up in the trash, so early in the day, we decided to make a flag cake out of yellow cake, whipped cream, strawberries,and blueberries. He did the cake- I just put scrape it into the pan, it in the oven and helped a bit with the cutting of the strawberries and told him how to place them- it came out pretty good . There was going to be a judging at the Banquet and prizes, so I it would be nice if he could have won.. The cakes that were there! Ours looked so simple! I'll post first prize to third prize but there were so many more that were so creative! There was about 30 pizzas delivered after the opening ceremony and awards then Thomas had to act up- he kept getting up out of his seat, leaving the room, {he was missing for half the night}- he was present for the dinner and cake of course but he should have been present for the entire evening to show respect for his fellow scouts] then towards the end of the night, I was sitting with my Mother in law, and Tom had to leave with Brendan and so I thought Thomas went out with my Tom into the entryway, turns out, Tom completely left the building, and the ceremony ended, and I helped clean up, and still no sign of Thomas! I agree I didn't show enough persuasion in keeping him in his seat but neither did my Tom- bad parenting on our parts. I couldn't get up and walk away and just leave my mother in law there somewhere she doesnt know.. I left, went to the van and said " is Thomas with you? Tom was Furious! He found Thomas by the Classrooms with some other kids where he had NO business being - We had it out with him telling him -why were we there?We were there for him-he showed no respect for his fellow scouts whatsoever! And he didn't act like a Boyscout at ALL tonight! Tom told him to take off his uniform, and put it in a bag and told him no more scouts for him and took away his Xbox for good. . Now Thomas has been acting like this for a while now-showing lack of respect others- you tell him to do something;- and he just ignores you and does what HE wants- so this was his punishment sadly. I was able to lessen the charge and save the uniform and have Thomas make it up to him and keep scouting since a big campout is coming up, but he REALLY has to make it up to his dad or he doesn't go. He traded his ROBORAPTOR to go in the trash instead of his scouting uniform. He's really stepped in it this time. but the Xbox- thats gone. . It was only 4 months old of a system too.. anyway- it wasn't as nice of an evening as I had wanted, but heres the cakes that beat us out of winning .. heres what took 1st place
February 25, 2008
Blue & Gold Woes
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9:55 AM
February 20, 2008
Mine! Mine! Mine!
Lately there has been this turn of events { or event that has just got me well cringing for lack of better words! Thomas has taken to the sport of if he sees his brother with a toy that A- either used to be his, or B- Just plain catches his eye, or C- he's feeling like a plain old spiteful pain in the ass and wants to be all of the above {which is usually the latter}He goes and snatches whatever Brendan has in his hands and brings him to those oh familiar and hateful words of adults - Mine ! Mine Mine! Thomas just breaks into this shit eatin grin and laugh where a good crack in the back of the head would serve him good! I just yell at him " give your brother back his toy!" He's old enough to know better , I know its a whole sibling rivalry thing kicking in - I was there, but I swear if I have to hear those words "Mine" one more time I'm gonna lose my mind!
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4:24 PM
February 19, 2008
Happy Birthday Thomas
Tonight we celebrated Thomas' Birthday. 7 years old today. Where did the time go? My how time has gone by! I remember when he was this little thing who had this insistence on falling off the end of my bed! That and getting himself so worked up he would literally make himself sick! You would reprimand him for having a temper tantrum in the store or for not gettin what he wants { usually around naptime and a time out was needed, he would hyperventilate and Blleech! all over himself and get these red blotches all over his face- too much! Glad THATS over with! Now hes this sweet kid who is feeling his oats as a typical 7 yr old in THAT stage of years. *sigh* At least he's building my confidence in myself! I bought cupcakes and brought them to his class this morning- - Spongebob and Patrick rockin out- too cute. The bakery at the grocery store here does such a beautiful job! Of course there were none left to come home- I didn't expect any either- the way they taste? I'd go back for more! The teacher told me Thomas gave some to his old kindergarten teacher and gym teacher and so on - He's so thoughtful. There's another boy who had the same birthday as him who also brought in cupcakes, but the teacher asked the mother to bring hers in tomorrow- I felt so bad- She{the teacher} said I asked , she didn't so .. still , she had to take hers home -I felt like an inconvenience for some reason- but two cupcakes- that IS alot of sugar- bit rough on a teacher to handle.. ;) So I also made Thomas a cake for when he got home but never got it finished till 7 :00 at night because I had to take Brendan to the doctor while Thomas was at school to find he had Pneumonia, go to the pharmacy, wait for meds, go to Toys r Us return T's gift{this Transformer he got was too hard for him to figure out and I wasnt gonna have him have a fit every time he tried so I returned it for an easier one} pick out better one he wants,drive back to Walmart, buy cake mix and supplies, go home, start cake, go pickup Thomas, go to Toys R Us to let him pick out the gift he wants w credit from returned toys, go home, make dinner, Toms mom is there- ( wasn't planning on dinner guests, but its cool-was gonna invite her over for cake anyway}make some mac n cheese for the boys as I watch them trash the house in plain fatigue as their rooms are trashed after I cleaned them and theyre running like animals and I'm getting talked at like Im a piece of dirt and still need to ice the cake..{and yes he DID go to his room before cake for disrespecting me and was quite upset with himself that he ruined his birthday after a harsh talking to in case youre wondering} {I dont let that fly } I finally ice the cake and put some Transformer toys on it and call it done . I make some leftover dinner and watch Brendan Chuck his food all over and decide these guys are either ungrateful or just plain hate me! I finally sing Happy Birthday to Thomas and we have some cake, they finally get to bed, Mom goes home and I breath a sigh of relief, and clean up and dont dare look at the dishes till tomorrow and relax and get some blogging in! What a day. Happy Birthday Thomas! I love You ! It's memories like these that make the time go by so fast and make the world go round so quickly. Until tomorrow....
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9:45 PM
February 17, 2008
Sea World
This weekend we went to Sea World to celebrate Thomas' birthday. Since Tom needed to work the day of Thomas' birthday, we decided to do something special for him just the family. We stayed a night at the Rennaisance across from the park, that way we could just wake up, have breakfast and go. Breakfast took like an hour and a half due to slow service, but other than that, Thomas LOVED staying in a hotel room overnight!He wanted to go back there again and live there- although I don't know about that!I guess when you're a kid it's exciting- the change of someplace new- {I know I used to love it too. } The park was perfect weather-75 degrees and sunny.It started in the sixtys - we were gonna wear pants, but it warmed up fast. Glad we switched to shorts at the last minute cause it got hot! Thomas made sure we saw every attraction just about - all but the sea lions and concerts just about and kiddie rides. He wasn't in the mood this time. All the animals got checked off from Polar bears to penguins, Sea Turtles to Shamu,and Budweiser Clydesdales to Baluga whales! We saw it all! We saw the Shamu show { which was AWESOME!} Brendan couldn't sit that long so Tom sat outside with him which he didnt mind - he said he saw it a million times and was sure it hadnt changed much so was ok with just me and Thomas seeing it so had some bar- b - q instead {which was a rip off for the size of what he got}.We walked and saw till we couldn't see anymore and saw everything on the map. Everyone had a wonderful time. We even bought the yearly pass for for 10.oo more so we could come back all year just in case we DID miss something! Thomas {being the marine afficianado that he is} I think will love that ! All in all it was a very lovely day! Happy early birthday Thomas! Love you Buddy!
Posted by
9:07 PM
February 5, 2008
Award Day
Thomas had his Awards ceremomy today. He almost didn't want to go to school because he has been having problems with kids at school , and just hasn't been all that excited about school lately. I said "well, we'll just have to give your award to someone else then!" He said " What?! No ! I 'm going! I'm going!!" He wouldn't hear anything about anyone claiming HIS award! I THOUGHT that would work! ;) I got Brendan dressed, We picked out his clothes, had breakfast, and were off. We were halfway there when I realized that the stroller wasn't in the car. Oh boy. I was going to have to go ALLLL the way BACK home and get the stroller and get back to the school BEFORE the awards ceremony.It was already almost 8:30, and the ceremomy started at 8:45, and it took at LEAST 15 minutes to get home- I was going to have to sprout wings and fly! Needless to say traffic was good to me with some cursing and yelling and driving like Mrs Maria Andretti!{and a little help from mom above } I somehow got back to the school AT 8:45 and snuck in the back way of the cafeteria I had my camera in hand. I saw Thomas on the floor with his class straining looking for me and when he saw me he relaxed. When I told him I had to go back for the stroller he said "mommmeeeee! " I said I PROMISE I'll be there! I wouldn't miss it for ANYTHING ! I think he was nervous with the traffic I was going to miss it. It turned out , his class was the last class to be called for the awards anyway- can you say Murphy's Law? I had wanted to take one more picture of him after the ceremony holding his certificate, but by the time I got through all the parents, His teacher was ushering him through the door back to class- I was like "but but" ahh well, I'll get him at home.." I'm very proud of him - not a semester goes by that he doesn't win an award- hes got awards for Merit,Outstanding attendance, Student of the Month,Positive Behavior,And now making the Honor Roll. I wouldn't call him a nerd, Just a good clean student , and I'm damn proud of him! Its things like this that go on his record and get him in good schools if he keeps up the good work. Heres some pics from his special day.. Go Thomas! I love you Sweetie!
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2:45 PM
Happy Birthday Tom
Another year has come and gone, and today we celebrate Tom's birthday.38.The old Fart. I shouldn't talk really. in two months I"LL be that same old fart! It doesn't feel like that I'm almost hittin' 40. wow. are we REALLy middle aged? Have we REALLY hit that mark? or is what they say 40 is the new 30? In any case, The day started out sweet with the boys waking up and giving Tom their birthday card to him in bed,then getting ready for school. I went to Thomas' school this morning to watch him recieve an award for being on the Honor Roll- I'll post about that next} ;) then got suppies at Publix for making my famous birthday cakes that everyone seems to love... thank you ;) and decided to pick up a gift certificate where I get my nails done for Tom to get a Pedicure - no hint there- just he loves getting his feet worked on by me and I feel I do a real shitty job at it really and thought I'd treat him to it by somebody who knows what the hell they're doing quite frankly!!! Get the foot soaking, the massage, the creams, the whole bit. All he has to do is sit back and relax. Thought it would make a nice present. I asked if men come in and get it done and this one lady said " oh yeah! my husband felt funny at first , but when he got it done was like Oh yeah! ' now comes all the time when he can get time off of work". That sold me! I just hope he goes- he might feel funny about strangers touching his feet. Then again , hes had massages done on business trips so we'll see. So I went home and made his cake which Brendan helped - { he loved the batter - takes after his mom in that department;) Then he was off for a nap.Soon its time to pick up T from school after some afternoon chores.Any way, Happy Birthday babe! Love You .May you have many many more!
Posted by
1:34 PM