Yesterday we finally got to get out and get a little fishing in. Me , Tom and Thomas. Just the three of us. How I had missed doing that! The fresh air, the sunshine, the fish jumping freely in the water, the serenity. i know I know, A woman baiting her own hook? Eww! I have NO problem baiting my own line. NONE whatsoever. Must be the Tomboy in me- I grew up with the love of fishing. I've been doing it since I was like 10? Worms, sunnies, bread; so shrimp and pin fish are nothing to me. Didn't catch a damn thing - barely caught a tan, but trying was just as fun . Tom's mom watched Brendan, and we packed drinks and sandwiches and bought bait on the way. I brought my walkman so I jammed to some tunes while I fished which made it more fun. What made the day even MORE interesting was what Thomas came across fishing and Tom helped hike it up the wall so Thomas could take a picture with it- he was afraid of it but after a while didn't mind posing with it. At least SOMEONE brought SOMETHING home! Pretty cool! He felt a little stupid after he felt his teeth and was like OWW! I said they're little razors dopey! DOn't touch those!He was like " oh yeah" LOL whadda ya want he's only 7? What a day though the weather couldn't have been kinder to us. He's got an ear infection now - hope the sea didn't do that- but he's been sniffling for a while, the trouble ear agin - Oy vay! Anyway, Was nice to get out and do something with Tom n Thomas and do something fun again . I was starting to get cabin fever.
March 31, 2008
Fun Day Fishing
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9:22 PM
March 27, 2008
Student Of The Month
Today Thomas had his Awards ceremony where he got awarded Student of The Month. I went to his school and they had an ice cream party for the students after they received their awards and it was very sweet. Thomas was kinda freaking out because his class was still at recess and he almost missed the awards ceremony . The principle had to call on his walkie -talkie to remind the teacher that the ceremony was going on and that the students needed to come down to the cafeteria. I never saw two kids tear it around a corner so fast! LOL I took Brendan with meand he was surprisingly well behaved. Not that he' s abrat or anything, I just thought with there being ice cream he'd be all wiggly, but lately, he doesn't like ice cream unless its a shake. So that went well. After the awards ceremony, homas returned to his class, and Brendan and I went to the parking lot to wait for him {since only a half an hour he would be released} I got a phone call from the school saying Thomas collided with his classmate Paulina and chomped down on his tongue and made it bleed by taking a chunk out of it- Ow???? So I had to come and get him since he wanted to go home.. Thankfully I was just in the parking lot.. this kid's gonna be the death of me!! he spends like every other month in the clinic! teeth fall out, kicked shins, doesn't feel good, more teeth, headaches.. i got more clinic notes than I know what to do with.. anyway I 'm very proud of my Student of the Month even if the day DID end on a sour note... Con gradulations buddy. This makes award # 10 to add to the folder nice job! *beaming*
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5:45 PM
March 22, 2008
Egg Hunt
Today we all went to an Easter egg hunt where Thomas has his Cub scout meetings . Despite the misty rain, everyone had a nice time. Brendan being so small, surprisingly knew just what to do when it came time to find the eggs! He just put two and two together-: i have a basket , there are eggs, I shall put the ggs in my bunny basket! So Tom helped Brendan find his eggs that he needed to find- { we were given this piece of paper with colored eggs that we were only to find those specific colored eggs so as not to mess up anyone elses egg finding but soon we found no one paid much mind to that with the mounds of eggs that were leaving the grounds! }When we got our designated eggs, we went inside for games, and crafts and cookie decorating, then headed home for some food shopping for tomorrow's meal. That will consist of ham and Green bean casserole { my favorite, !} Garli cmashed potatoes, rolls, cucumber salad, - all the yummies! Anyway the kids just had a ball! We got a bit wet, But it was all worth it!
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4:56 PM
March 21, 2008
Happy Birthday Brendan!
Today we celebrated Brendan's 2nd birthday. Two years old. Wow. Man did time fly! I remember when he was just born! These guys keep me hoppin I tell you ! Time just flies by and before I know it, a whole year just flew by already! It seems like I just had him, mom passed away, I was devastated, was up north, battled those "firsts" without mom, then all of a sudden, life flew into fast forward and Thomas is 7 and Brendan is celebrating his second birthday already ! Holy Crap! In any case, it was a real nice day for a birthday. I started Brendan's cake, Got them dressed for the day, We packed a lunch for the three of us, went to the park for a few hours and gave Tom some peace and quiet in the house {as he had a training session to do and needed silence]. Then after needing to go home as Mr. Thomas took off on me and damn near gave me a heart attack not telling me where was going, - he could have been taken from someone for all I know- A mother's worst fear being taken by some sicko at the park! Thankfully he was next door at the fountains playing with some kid's Transformers - but that's no excuse - we promptly and immediately left the park no if's and's or but's. I was sick to my stomach! After taking him to the restroom with me to change Brendan's pull up , he goes and pulls this. Time to go.We were there for 3 hrs anyway. We stopped at Publix supermarket to pickup the custom giant cookie I had made for brendan - since he doesnt eat cake or cupcakes. I had a cookie decorated like Nemo design- real nice job they did, then home for pizza and presents- Good Friday- can't have meat so pizza it is! Then we opened presents and Brendan loved them all! From Transformer's Bumblebee,{So he would stop stealing his brother's} to Diego, to Thomas the train movie and toy trains, to an Elmo sounds storybook, to a nice knobby puzzle, then we had cake, and the boys watched Power Rangers , then off to bed. He went out like a light. My little sweetheart. He's so good. God Bless Him . May he have many many more . Happy Birthday Little man! I love You!
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8:47 PM
March 16, 2008
Yard Sale
Yesterday we had a community yard sale in our area. At first we weren't going to participate, but then I decided if we were going to try and get rid of some of the kids toys, why not try and make some money off of them? Even if it IS a couple bucks? So I put the toys together the night before in the garage so the kids wouldn't get upset and say " I still want that! AAAhh! " the whole same thing they always do when ever they see the toys they NEVER play with where they could make room for NEW ones and make money on OLD ones! We did pretty well I think considering things were going for a buck or two- we made 65.00 in 4 hours time! We also sold this ram statue that we aquired in Virginia that never really found a spot in our house except for the attic! it went on the coffee table, then the bedroom, then the knee wall, then the counter, then finally the attic. , an air purifier, a speaker system, some rescue heroes, mostly toys, some kids conned their parents- like some rubber lizards, and some large stuffed animals, some dinosaurs, a musical turtle, also some frogs that go by the pond that drove the dog crazy we decided to sell! the rest came out of an assorted 50 cent and 1.00 box we were selling one of our robots that Thomas was punished for that I was surprised didn't get picked up although alot of begging and pleading DID occur from many a child that came about! I was ALSO surprised to see people were coming around at 6:30 in the morning for the sales! We weren't even set up yet! Let a woman get out of bed and have a bite to eat people!! Jeeze! Talk about your hardcore garage salers! They were up at the crack of dawn for the good stuff! Not EVEN because they were driving by our houses before we even set UP!! It was still dark out! anyway it turned out to be a nice day for a yard sale and when we were done, did our errands and enjoyed he rest of the day. Thomas used his birthday money and his share of what he sold of his toys at the yard sale and bought the transformers he had his eyes on so all hurt feelings were .Everyone was happy. Brendan got what toys he still wanted back that didn't sell, PLUS made some money on the toys and clothes that DID sell . All in all everything worked out for the best.
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4:35 PM