I was watching the news about Katrina this evening while eating dinner with Thomas and he was looking at the photo coverage and asked me "what happened Mommy?" I was like "Errm.." and wasn't quite sure how to put it then decided to bite the bullet and give it to him straight- no baby talk- I told him well, the hurricane that came by,{which he knew about} went up to a state called New Orleans {from here I took out my state quarters map for a visual aid} and explained " you know how when you take a bath and you splash too much water and it goes over the side of the tub and makes a big puddle on the floor ? - he said "uh huh.." I said " well, the hurricane went to New Orleans, and made the ocean splash lots and lots of water into New Orleans here andflooded the peoples homes where only their rooves stick out so the people are sitting on their roofs waiting to be rescued- and theres lots and lots of people who are stuck where they are and don't have a house anymore and people are going there to save them and rescue them. He saw a Coast guard officer rescuing a survivor, and he said "like in the helicoptor? I said yes like that" He said "mom, I want to be a saver". I said "you do?" he said "yeah, when I get big,I want to ride in a helicoptor, and go up to the sky and save people from the hurricanes" I was like AWW! I got alll tears in my eyes! I said to him "and I bet you'd be the best saver there ever was too!" I swear the things that come out of this kids mouth sometimes I could just hug him to death he's so cute! I just had to share this!
He is a sweetheart.its moments like those he makes me proud to be a mom!These hormones don't help either-because everytime I think about what he said I get all choked up and teary eyed and judst wanna cry cause he makes me so happy to be his mom to such a sweeheart!
August 31, 2005
My Future Rescue Hero
Posted by
9:35 PM
August 24, 2005
9 Week Sono and Checkup
We have our fist pic of the new bean, and Thomas was sick today and got to see it and was in complete awe! hard to tell which end is which , but thankfully, the sonographer labeled it for us. heartbeat was 160, which was very good, had lil arm n leg buds goin ,which now i'm in 10th week, they should be formed even better,and the brain should be formed better as well as I'm told.So far so good, my blood pressures on the mark as is my weight, so so far so good no complaints.The cravings and smells are really kickin in though- like- I can't go anywhere near a smokeshop or coffee store that sells fresh ground coffee by the bag ya know? or freshly paved roads-or pet stores- we used to get mice for our snake tiny once a week, now I gotta wait in the car- but cravings- ohhhh- cheesecake.. I go to Sam's- I HAD to pickup their sampler-couldn't take it anymore! And Papa John's Spinach Alfredo pizza mmmm! LOL anyway, here's the pics of the lil peanut..the top pic says {baby}to the right of the baby since its unreadable, and the bottom pic says {rump} to the left of the baby, and {head} to the right of the babsono pics - wish they caan make them bigger.. ah well:)
Posted by
7:14 PM
August 18, 2005
Finally Got Confirmed
Well, I finally got confirmed by my Ob that I AM in fact pregnant- This Saturday will be 2 months. My due date will be April 1st- April fool's day - can you believe that one?Not only does AF make an unscheduled vacation, but my due date turns out to be April Fool's day! talk about your ironies! Looks like it's gonna be a fun ride- as It's classified under a high risk pregnancy with A- me having a seizure condition,B- taking medication that is category c-meaning that it hasn't been tested on pregnant women to verify the results of what the birth defects could be basically-which makes me feel REAL comfortable lemme tell ya! I'm a walking batch of nerves! I'l loaded up on 4 mg of folic acid and prescribed prenatal vitamins to combat against birthdefects {or potential ones} I'lll be seeing a perineonatologist one wek and my OB the next on and off for the duration of my pregnancy plus multiple sonograms, testing,the works,. plus will be having a planned cesarian to avoid the nightmare i went through giving birth to thomas-{seizure on the table,over medication,out cold for 3 days straight,etc..} We want a smooth ride this time around.. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that no miscarriages occur this time and a beautiful healthy birth defect free baby {i'd like a girl, but don't care as long as its healthy} is born march 23rd- the date of planned ceasrian..
Posted by
10:42 PM
August 10, 2005
Pregnant Again.. DH Needs to Think...
After waiting almost two weeks for AF to show, and no dice, { she was SUPPOSED to show on 7/25 and decided to take an unscheduled vacation.. } I couldn't take it anymore - neither could Tom and he told me to go get a pregnancy test to make sure,- and sure enough, first shot, It came back with a !I showed the results to Tom when it was done, and he says - " so what does that mean?" I said " it means with your mother movin in , whenever she makes up her mind when that'll be , we're gonna have to make an addition on the house .. and gave him a wink. Well, He has been upset with me since sunday! Not the reaction I was looking for! In fact he has barely spoken to me! he has been slamming doors, snapping at me, talking to me like a child, taken my driving priviliges away-{ which i understand because I'm on medication and he doesnt want me have a seizure with fluctuating meds and hormones and stuff and get hurt or the baby-thats understandable- i'm only allowed to drive thomas to and from school while hes away on business right now thats it and he doesnt even like that. Due to the whole rocky road I went through w/ Thomas' pregnancy-{ I had a seizure, i had to go through many sonograms to monitor the babys progressio n due to the meds-make sure things were ok,the amnio-which is normal,the selective reduction,{i pray i don't need to do that this time- because i don't have the stregnth to do it again-that is if i have twins again-they say once you have twins you can have them again...then post i had sarcoidosis, so you can say Tom is not looking forward to me getting pregnant again, not to mention my body getting bigger- he said to me " you WILL NOT be putting on 75 pounds like last time -youre gonna eat normal and gain normal weightlike normal people" and no more drivin for you - why does he make me feel like I went to the clinic and in-vitroed myself w/o his knowing_ he had a hand {or body part}in this miracle of life too ya know! - cause he just makes me feel so terrible that I got pregnant right now! He hasn't shown the least bit of sign of happiness or excitement.He won't even share it with his mom, I asked if he wanted to tell her, he said it was none of her business, since Sunday, I've been doing nothing but moping and crying and eating three squares to keep this baby healthy and trying to figure out what's going on in his head. and the only thing I can think of, is he's scared. - His company is merging this week,some people will lose their jobs,they don't know who, his mom's supposed to move in with us, but she can't make up her mind when - we just know she can't afford to stay at her place,and that would be to to move into our computer/ guest room, and if/ when we have this baby, we ran out of rooms to put it as well as the desk/ office- we can always put it {computer } somewhere- familyroom wherever- as for the baby- theres a small space in our bedroom we can put a cribin the corner, but as it gets bigger we ran out of room, o maybe hes thinking of that- i wish he would just talk to me- he keeps everything bottled up inside and shuts me out until he explodes- its not fair or healthy- i always get the tail end of it-usually widing up in the bathroom with him giving me the attitude or silent treatment and me crying.-when all I want to do is share a lil joyin my family-so I turn to my son for a smile-any way- how's that for an announcement?Or ultimate Anniversary present for Tom{ so its a couple days late} - I go see my OB on the 25th for confirmation I'm hoping for a baby girl to even out the brood- one boy, one girl- sorry so long- maybe I shoulda saved it for a vents and rants?well, lets hope he cools off and comes around while hes up north this week, ans comes home with a new perspective and and a smile and a hug.. Thanks for the ear all-
Posted by
12:43 AM