I went to the O/B today for my 31 week checkup. All was fine-I measured in at 32 CM, BP was great, baby's heartbeat was right on the mark,I mentioned I wondered how much he weighed. He moved my stomach around, said he didn't feel like he was packed in there like a bunch of sardines, but felt likea small baby , maybe estimated to be about a 6/7 pound baby-which seemed about right I guess as Thomas was 7 pounds 6 oz when he was born..and my neighbor Pam keeps telling me to grow a belly already for the baby already! LOL We talked about My planned cesarian, and how everything lopks great with the babyhow he scored a perfect mark with last weeks fetal monitoring , , I'm so glad things are going so well- I'm just waiting for SOMTHING to go wrong- but should just count my lucky starsI guess! He asked me if I had any concerns or worries, and I said I guess not at this time, but now that I've had the rest of the day to think about it..I've found a couple of things to worry about now!..I've found
I worry about having another c-section with epidural this time-and this one I'm going to be totally awake for it and witness everything- I was totally drugged and passed out and missed my whole delivery with Thomas-am I gonna freak ? I 'm worried about getting my tubes tied - are there gonna be complications or will it go smoothly? will I remember everything about taking care of this baby or will I spaz out? willTom EVER move out of the computer room and paint it and put new rug down and transform it into the babys room in due time like he's supposed to or wait until the baby's born and have him sleep in the pack n play for a few weeks like he keeps projecting because he doesnt wanna move his monster of a desk out and rewire everything? so basically I'm just stressing over everything basically! Ahh well, I suppose it's just natural to start to worry as the wekks and days draw nearer.. I guess its all part of the "nesting " phase" nesting " - who thought of that word anyway? What am I ? a bird? Couldn't there be some other word to go by? other than that? Ahh well.. I'm just wiggin hoping everything comes together in time.Don't mind me...
January 31, 2006
31 Wk Checkup & Thoughts
Posted by
11:23 PM
January 29, 2006
Matching Big Bro and Lil Bro Teeand Onesie
I just bought the cutest matching shirts for when Brendan is born and Thomas an he can wear the same shirts.. I donno why, but I always thought it was so cute when siblings wore the same shirts like Im the big brother kinda thing - ncall me corny.. But it was something I just had to do and had to get! But you gotta admit they are cute! I should got two onesie sizes because I KNOW as soon as I recieve it, the darn baby's gonna grow out of it already! Ah well, whadda ya gonna do? It'll make a realluy cut keepsake too I guess!Here's a pic of the T and Onesie thats coming only it'll have the boy's names underneath- "Thomas and Brendan"
Posted by
5:42 PM
January 24, 2006
30 Week Sono Appt
I just got back from my weekly ultrasound / fetal monitoring appointment with my O/B and everything went great- today Brendan was all over as usual - I had to lay on my side as they couldn't find his heartbeat as he was being a nudge! so I was watching the lil numbers on the fetal monitor and watched at one point as the numbers jumped from 150 to 50 to 180! I was like and the nurse came in and I told her , and she said , that's what we're looking for,that's a good thing- that means a reaction"Boy I was relieved! I thought something was wrong with his heart for a moment! so now I know what those numbers mean! its almnost as if he heard one of the nurses outside and got startled from sleeping or something ya know and turned his head real quickinteresting.. looks like he's got his mommy's cheeks! and looks like I better lay off mckee d's chicken strips and stick to more salads cause he seems to be packin on the pounds! looks like a 3 pounder already! but i guess a meatball is a good thing - dont want to be underweight either.. just cut back a bit and eat a lil more healthier and balanced more.. anyway heres my lil meatball!...
Posted by
6:44 PM
Getting Closer!
I was just realizing, I got 10 weeks left and the way this lil guy does karate kicks inside me , you'd think he was ready to come out tomorrow!I'll be watching T.V. with Tom, and whammo! I'll be like UHHH! right in the ribs with a foot! he's upside down now, so he gives me some good ones with those feet! thenhe rolls over and watch my whole stomach move which is really freaky if you asked me! I'm waitin to see a hand pop outof my skin! Its a riot! Hes forever rollin around he drives the sonographers crazy! We got half the cribset put together, the changing table and dresser-we went with the cherry color, now we gotta paint the room and change the rug since the dog n cat kinda killed it with their accidents. . so things are slowly falling into place. now Tom just needs a new spot for his office since he got kicked out and isn't happy about itand nowhere to go !Sorry!Oh well whaddayagonna do? kid needs a room right? I feel great and am as anxious as ever to see my lil boy!
Posted by
12:26 AM
January 23, 2006
Bye Bye Buster
Tomorrow My Cat Buster is to be taken to meet his maker. I don't like doing it , but I don't seem to have a choice. He's a BEAUTIFUL cat, But, UHG! what a PITA! I mean., it's not his fault really, he's getting on the older side, and has kidney problems, as well as spite issues, He loves attention, which he gets PLENTY of, But if he would JUST use the damn litter box more! he sems to CHOOSE when HE wants to use the litter box! He prefers my cream rug instead ! and man does my house STINK! especially right by my front door! I mean you go to come in my house and you can SMELLL it even before you come in . I mean thats Embarrassing to anyone who'll come over! - To me I mean! I shampoo the rug, He pees on it. I shampooo it again, he pukes on it- same spot. I shampoo it AGAIN , He pees on it AGAIN,samrespot. AGAIN! enough ALREADY! and where else does he puke? under where DH and I sit at the dining table . and in outr bedroom and the computer room where DH works- never in DS's room or under his seat at the dining table- Cause they're best buds.coincidence? I don't think so . I tried putting him up for adoption, but noone will take him given his age and what he's doing- they said who ever will adopt him wont be as kind and will just put him down. Thomas is very upset about this, But I explained over Mc Donalds today after school {I wanted him to have the chance to say goodbye cause I was planning on doing it today but gotta do it tomorrow after school} that Buster's sick and sometimes we have to do these things for the best of the pet and I don't like doing it and I will miss Buster - He says maybe we can get a puppy or a little cat instead who wont pee on the carpet- not what I was thinking,but like that hes thinking positive,So I gotta do the dirty deed tomorrow..Tom gave me money to pay for it so thought I'd say one last good bye and post a pic of Buster and say my farewells... he destroyed my carpet, and it needs to be replaced because it went right down past the padding to the wood the urines so bad!and heres Buster with his smug looks on his face{ not really- just looks that way- I'm relly gonna miss him- I know I kept calling him a pain with his meowing and all but he really was a good cat - the sweetest one I've ever known...:(} Why do I always get stuck doin these things? I feel like such a monster! and I'm the animal lover dammitt!
Posted by
11:55 PM
January 16, 2006
29WkO/B Gestational Diabetes Test Results
I just got back from the O/B and glad to report that I am negative on my test results for my Gestational Diabetes test. I also found out that He's facing head down- no surprise there I thought since the other night I was watching T. V. with Tom and I got this massive shot to the ribs where I was like UHH! and knew that had to come from as foot! So I figured he had to be in the head down posistion!I also learned the exact date and time of my scheduled c-section time on March 21st- 6:30 AM. What a way to start the day offright? Half awake and getting yourself cut open! LOOVELY! No, I figure it, what better way to start the day than to bring a life into it?? I have to be AT the hospital by 5 AM to get prepped for everything and who knows? by 7:15, 7:30, Brendan Michael could be in this world!We got a stroller travel system unpacked, putting it together was interesting.. either that or we're just getting retarted in our old age! It's a baby stroller for cryin out loud! How complicated can it be??! We actually needed DIRECTIONS to put the damn thing together!! We ordered the cribset- went for the cherry color, its a crib, changing table and dresser in one set for 200 bucks-I saw the box in the store in oak color, its a small box! I'm literally AFRAID! theres either very small pieces or or... I donnno .. I can't wait to see what's inside this box and I hope it all comes out nice and my son isn't sleeping in some matchbox! Well, that's my update, I got some pics of me at 29 weeks - sorry for the no make up, it was a spur of the moment thing... If I scare ya,Sorry ! But heres Brendan at 29 weeks. Only 11 weeks left to go!
Posted by
4:08 PM
January 10, 2006
Decisions Decisions
Just when I thought I decided on a color of the crib, it seems I seem to be stumped!I decided on the bedding, and how I want the room to look painted wise, and on the cribset, now the COLOR of the crib! Should I go with white, how it looks in the picture, I was gonna go with that at first, then decided nah, because later in life , what if the baby gets older and doesnt WANT a white bedset anymore and white is more of a GIRL'S color ya know? So I was gonna go with the Cherry - cause it looks more masculine and rich and warm and the crib bedding will go with that nicely too as will future bedding,and seems more boylike, for a boys room,and good for down the road use, but now I seem to be pulled back to he white again! UUGH! Heres my two options... theres the white.. and just how I want to decorate it and paint the room and border and all just like that only reverse- the yellow up top and blue on the bottom,- same colors.. and this is the other -with the cherry crib and envision the Mickey bedding set inside and all and dresser and changing table I saw at walmart for 200.00 for the set- --Note after much deliberation with staring and a bite to eat and coming back, I decided to go with the Cherry! Wish me luck! Hope it turns out alright! LOL
Posted by
9:16 PM
January 8, 2006
A Day at The Circus
Today, The family and I went to the Ringling Brother's Barnum Bailey Circus that was in town.- well, not so much as "in town", but close enough- In St. Pete- an hour away.. We figured , before the baby comes, it'll be awhile before Thomas'll get to see the circus again ..So we treated him while it rolled into the area- the last time he did, he was like 3, in Virginia and that was some other one like Big Top or something and He TOTALLY didn't appreciate it because he was so small- just cried and was hot and wanted to go home.. Anywaynow that he's older and can appreciate it , {which he did,}, He had a blast! His favorites were the clowns, and the 8 motorcylers in the caged ball,and the acrobats,and the elephants.-I think he loved EVERYTHINGby though by the look on his face the whole time! I was a little disappointed that they didn't have any lions or tigers though- DH and I thought maybe they were saving them for the second half of the show maybe,but they just never brought them out ... we were just like ???? oh well- there were all sorts of animal activists outside while we were walking in and all - I wonder if they had something to do with it....anyway- we had a real nice time - sat in nosebleed seats, but had a birds eye view of everything. Real nice day. add anothe rbunch of tickets to Thomas' babybook to save . here's some pics of souvenirs we brought home. Wish I could have took pictures to show, but flash Photography wasn't allowed.Perfect evening to a perfect day.
Posted by
9:29 PM
January 7, 2006
Let's Go Bucs!!!
Well, today id the big playoff game between the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Washington Redskins for the chance to be in the slot make the way for the challenge for the Super Bowl again.The last Time thre Bucs were in the Super Bowl was in 2002. This is 4 years later they've come this close and Tom's been getting heckled to death by his co workers who are in Virginia that the Redskins are gonna beat the pants off Tampa bay blah blah blah . so this games real important to him in another way.. His butt I imagine aint gonna budge off that couch today for nothin till its over ! I'd like to see them win as well. Everybody's wearin the red white and black today- supporting the team. it should be close . So we got our errands done early so we could home and watch the game by 4:30. So I guess all I got left to say is LETS GO BUCS!!!!
Posted by
6:17 PM
Too Clumsy For My Own Good
Ok , so today, I did the dopiest thing I've done in a while. I don't know if it has to do with the fact that I got this belly going on now and there's the whole "balance factor" thing that throws me off from time to time that I forget to think about or it's my ankles that have blown up to "cankles " recently, or just the fact that I'm a natural born clutz to begin with ! But anyway, Today, or this morning, I am enjoying a nice outing with Tom, Thomas and a trip out to the Ihop for breakfast and then to the pet store to get a mouse for tiny the snake {nope- we haven't gotten rid of him yet - soon}and then to Home Depot for some small planter pots to plant some vegetables. Anyway, We come out of the pet store and into the parking lot, and I'm focusing on Thomas getting into the truck and out of the street, and we're parked near a curb, so I'm walking on the curbside walking ahead of Tom and Thomas, and what happens? My foot slips off the curb and I go plummeting face down onto my stomach trying to catch myself but missing and falling what feels like slow motion and rolling onto my boob then my stomach again then finally my back lying next to my truck feeling like a complete and total ass!Tom said I rocked back and forth like a penguin on my stomach. LOL I was Feeling afraid that I just squashed the baby! Tom said" what is wrong with you! are you alright? are you ok?" He made it seem like I didn't try to catch myself when I did- I had to show him the scrapes on my hands, and my left boob was killing me cause I fell on it on the curb! I think I hurt my dignity more than anything! Falling right in front of Tom and Thomas like that - just dissapearing in front of them like that- when we got in the truck we had a good laugh about it till we cried. God I felt so STUPID! I think about it now and still laugh at my stupidity. I love this stage that I can't see my feet and watch where I'm going ya know?I wonder if Anyone else ever have this problem? or is it just my clumsiness that gets me in these predicaments? Oy gotta love being pregnant!
Posted by
5:20 PM
January 1, 2006
A Little About Me
How Many Children Do You Have? 1, Thomas and another on the way
How Old Are Your Children? almost 5
Are You Married? Yes.
What Type Of Family Activities Does Your Family Do? go for rides, go shopping {way too much}!go to the park, fishing, anything together
What Type Of Restaurants Do You Like To Eat At? Anything where Thomas will eat at and possibly hopefully eat free!
Are You Planning On Having More Children? no two is all we can afford for now..
Do You Work Out Of The Home? no
What Type Work Do You Do? SAHM at the time but planning on going back to work when baby is old enough
Do You Have A New Years Resolution? "If we don't necessarily need it, don't buy it"
What Do You Like To Do When You Get Free Time When Your Children Go To Bed Or Take Naps? Read, or watch TV
Something That You Couldn't Live Without? Books, and my camera
Do You Wear Glasses Or Contacts? no
Do You Have Long Or Short Hair? long
Do You Live Close To Where You Grew Up Or Have You Moved Far Away? moved far away
How Long Have You Been Married? 5+ years
Posted by
1:33 PM