July 25, 2006

Sweet Potato Face

Today we started Brendan on Sweet Potatoes. Boy did he like them! He took one bite and was like Heyy! What's this?? Now if only he could keep them in his mouth or at least work on his aim a little bit! Or maybe I should leave that up to Tom as HE was the one who did the feeding! Sheesh! What a messs! And the bib! Tom wiped Brendan's mouth when he was done, and it was ALOT worse than that when he was done! I had to wash it TWICE to get the stains out !Ahh well. Such is the life of raising and feeding a baby AGAIN. He's such a cutie, How can you NOT want to squeeze that messy face? Sweet Potatoes and all!

1 comment:

Michele said...

He is such a cutie! Gotta love it when they are just starting to eat solids!