November 12, 2006

Brendan's First Haircut

Tonight I gave Brendan his First haircut. He had this Donald Trump hairstyle goin on that was just getting a little too long and getting in his eyes, and after a while, people started coming up to us and saying " what's HER name" whn they would see me with Brendan .I would be like, " OK, that's a signal the hair has to go! " So for a week or so Tom and have been saying that Brendan needed a haircut, but neither one of us had the A- the guts to do it, B- wanted to screw up his first haircut, and C- wanted to see his sweet first little locks go bye bye! :( Until yesterday we went to this Ribfest and Brendan had this MEAN birdsnest in his hair and that was kinda the last straw. Today I gave him a bath, washed his hair and took out my haircutting scissors, called Tom after he went out with his brother to the mall and let him know I was gonna do the dirty deed and told him to wish me luck! I think it came out pretty good considering I haven't cut hair in years!I think Brendan looks totally different with his new look !Still as sweet as can be and was the perfect client aside from keeling over onto my cup of water spilling it onto the changing table! The before and afters are a big difference! I think Mom was watching over me and guidng my hand a sI went along, because Brendan's hair came out like it was done by a Hairdresser which mom has done ever since I can remember! freaky huh? Thanks Mom! I owe ya one! :) Who says there's no Guardian angels out there? ;)

1 comment:

Heather said...

OMG, he is so cute! I have not read your blog in a long long time so I still expected him to be a little baby. Gosh they grow up fast.