Recently Thomas was given Choir homework where he had to memorize the song "O Come O Come Emmanuel" for church. That's a pretty tough song for a six year old to memorize! So I found on You Tube a sort of Kareoke version for him that would make it a little bit more easier for him to learn the song and words and the way the way it goes without it being too boring.{click the lined bar uptop}. He enjoys choir, Why make it not fun? At the first of every month, he and a couple other kids in the choir sing at the children's mass at 11:00 On Sunday ,{ which will be this Sunday} so he's gotta have this song down. So I figured I'd make it easy on him by looking up this song for him . It being Kareoke style I think couldn't have been easier! What a score!
November 28, 2007
Choir Homework
Posted by
10:35 AM
November 26, 2007
Got our Bobcat Badge!
Tonight Thomas and I went to his Cubscout meeting where he recieved his Bobcat badge. He was pretty excited knowing he was going to receive this. You get this knowing the cub scout promise, the Cub scout sign, the handshake, knowing the pledge of allegiance,saying the law of the pack, the motto, the salute,and fulfilling safety rules- knowing what to do when a stranger approaches or you are caught in a posotion you dont like. - and he passed and is now earned his bobcat bagde! They did a little facepainting ceremony where I got painted a bit myself, they had nice little awards ceremony, and had some awards for some other scouts there- Wolf and Webelo, by this time the meeting was almost over, and we closed and cleaned up until next time,. Thomas really enjoys this, I'm real glad I enrolled him . Last week we went on a "Turkey shoot" {target practice } where he shot real bb guns -22's and bow and arrrows and such and had a ball and earned another badge for that -next week is a weekend camping trip - hopefully we'll be able to make that too- sounds like fun! for now, Here's our Bobcat badge . Movin' on up the line!
Posted by
9:09 PM
November 24, 2007
The tree is up!
Today we put our Christmas tree up - well I did anyway! It was fun. I'm used to putting it up myself- Tom usually puts up the balloons in the front while I put the tree up inside. We got a new one this year as half the lights didn't work anymore on the old one and was a bit small as the ceilings are high here and didn't seem to measure up, and we seem to acquire more ornaments each year and it was getting crowded, so we decided on a bigger tree. This one is a 7 1/2 foot pre lit tree. It looks like we have lots more room for lots more ornaments too! When i set it up and was nearly done, Brendan let out a great big OOOOOOHHH! It was too cute. I put the plastic ornaments on the bottom to diverge him from taking the good ones and breaking them and cutting himself which seems to be working well,. I got him a Diego ornament which he keeps yanking off the tree along with Thomas' Transformers ornament. It's to be expected. I have more on order from Lillian Vernon. One for Brandy, A couple family ones , plus a stocking and holder for Brandy, ( guess she's sticking around if I ordered a stocking for her!} ;) Shes a good girl. Looks like it'll be a nice Christmas so far.. Lil budget minded, and I already miss the family tons, But that's what I still have to live with even though I still don't like it. I gotta wait 365 more days till next Christmas. But if I have MY way , I'll be up there sooner.. You wait n see!;) Till then, My favorite time of year is finally here!
Posted by
7:35 PM
November 15, 2007
Another Stone Bites the Dust
Last night as far as sleep wise goes,didn't go so well. Tom slept like a baby, not so much for me.- It ended well, took Thomas to religion, watched some t.v., picked him up, unwound, kids went to bed, Then I went to bed, Snuggled,but then later on in the middle in the night , it decided to hit. My body decided to ditch another kidney stone. I have been having this problem off and on since I had switched my medication a few years ago. I'm supposed to be drinking more water, but I guess I'm not , and I guess it's my body's way of yelling at me and MAN I have no other means but to listen!It feels like you have the worst cramps or a hernia , it's hard to describe, I just know that its SOO painful !- They say not to lay down, but I'm in bed and its 1:30 in the morning! WHAT ELSE am I gonna do? I rolled back and forth , took some Tylenol, and Ibuprofen, praying it would kick in so so I could sleep. Course it took FOREVER, SO I just rolled and whimpered and got up and walked it off when I could . Finally around 4 AM I had to pee and it passed .THANK GOD! For such a small stone only a centimeter big it sure was painful! I feel sorry for all the men that have to go through this ! At least we women have a larger opening for it to pass down unlike you men - my heart goes out to you! What a relief ! I'm gonna go to bed early tonite {with a bottle of water} and catch up on some missed and needed and deserved zz's!
Posted by
1:43 PM
November 13, 2007
They're Not Real So Shut Up!
I have these three ornaments by my pond in my backyard and they seem to drive Brandy crazy!! Every morning around 6:30, she barks like a madman - I'm thinking there's someone passing by the gate and she's trying to protect us by instinct, but when I go out back, she's standing by the pond just barking her head off barking at these! The neighbors must love me!! {dumb dog!} I swear I'm gonna hang her one of these days- she's sounding more and more like a Shepherd when she barks - I could see if someone or someTHING was in our backyard for her to be barking like the way she does but come ON!? PLASTIC ANIMALS?? gimme a break dog! DID they move? no. are they gonna move? no! stop bein retarded! Youre pissin off the neighbors! I got so annoyed I moved them to the front of the house to the front garden and perched the chipmunks on some rocks and the rabbit nearby and the frogs near a topiari plant to avoid anymore future annoyance!
Posted by
9:29 AM
November 12, 2007
Today both the boys are home sick with pink eye ! Where they got it , I have NO idea! Thomas woke up with both his eyes glued shut. How he found his way out of his room I have no idea! He said mom! I can't see! Poor thing! Then Brendan woke up and his eye was all watery and gooky in the corners , so I called the doctor and we have an appointment at 11:15. Talk about your double whammy! Brendan is acting all crappy on top of that too because he keeps going in his diaper and doesnt like the feel of it. Talk about a crappy way to start the week off! Well, wish me luck and pray this disappears quickly and T can get back to school and not miss much, and B can get back to his normal happy go lucky self. I'm just dreading the medicine - Not for Brendan as He LOVES taking medicine for some reason- i wonder if I should be worried about that..... Thomas hates ANYTHING that has anything having to do with his face- ESPECIALLY his EYES- and eyedrops- you have to PIN him down to put drops in his eyes- NOT fun! Im not looking forward to this at all!
Posted by
10:07 AM
Personality Test
My Favorite Color..
My Dream Car...
I Find Most Beautiful..
My Favorite Meal Is..
Success Is..
My Dream House Is..
Love Is..
What Disgusts Me Most Is...
My Ideal Vacation Is...
My Biggest Weakness Is...
Relaxation Is...
Freedom Is...
I took this picture personality test on this site I go to to just play around and see what it would come up with -just basically click on the pictures that I felt right with, and surprisingly,this is what came up as my personality which came back I feel VERY much on the mark as how I would describe myself to others! Pretty freaky!
Nothing seems to bother you - you sail through life crisis free. It's not that your life doesn't have its ups and downs, it's just that you handle everything without unnecessary drama and antics. You approach each day fresh, not worrying about yesterday or tomorrow. You are confident that you can handle anything that comes your way and experience has shown that you are absolutely right about this.
You are continually pursuing a simpler and less complicated life - you don't allow yourself to fall victim to all of the "should do's" that society continually bombards you with. You are thoughtful about your life choices and think in terms of yourself, others and the world in which we live. You have a great sense that we are part of something much bigger and we must be good to others, if we want others and the world to be good to us.
You are easily stressed out and overwhelmed - you need to take care of yourself first and foremost. Because you tend to be self reflective, you know your limits quite well and must remember to not exceed those limits. When you overwhelm your life with obligations and responsibilities, you tend to shut down and go into yourself even further. Take some time to find your serenity and kick back your feet.
For you passion is less about romance and sex - it's more about friendship and family. Strong emotional bonds and connections are your passion and your pleasure. You always let your loved ones know how much you love, respect and admire them. You do this through kind words, loving actions and simple gestures. You count your blessings each day and express your love openly. You expect the same from others.
Posted by
9:20 AM
November 9, 2007
Back on Track
..I had started Brendan potty training since he was 16 months old. It was a bit premature probably, but given the cost of diapers these days I thought I'd give it a shot , Needless to say he's been doing pretty well with it. He would signal to me by walking to the door and whacking on it when he has to go, making Ahh ahh noises, looking at me standing at the door. Given that he can't talk, these are good signs to let me know he has to go! Given also he HAS fallen off the wagon and only gone once a day on the potty and the rest in his pants, and given me no signals at all. He's gone no days at a time.. and the rest in his pants- It's an uphill batttle where it can be a losing one at times. But I've found at three months in, and his love for stickers, I've found he's getting better. He's regularly pooping and peeing on the potty, and I'm throwing less and less diapers in the diaper pail, which saves me money on buyin box after box each month! I find myself only changing 4 diapers a day instead of 8. After falling off the wagon, we seem to be starting off the month back on again. We wake up each morning sittting on the potty, we pee, then after breakfast, we drop Thomas off at school, then we try again and are usually successful with a poo. . He loves getting his stickers which is a real incentive. Who knows? Maybe we'll have this thing licked sooner than we think if this keeps up? Here's our success for this month's week so far..
11/1 6:30 am- Peed when woke up
11/1 9:10 am - pooped & peed before nap
11/1 12:12 pm peed peed after lunch
11/1 7:15pm- pooped & peed before bed
11/2 6:30am- woke up &peed&pooped
11/2 8:30am- came home from school & peed
11/2 10:10am-pee after snack
11/3 6:30pm- pee & poo when woke up
11/3 7:00pm-pee before bed
11/5 9:30 am- pooped & peed before naptime
11/5 6:50pm- pee before bedtime
11/6 6:30 am- peed when woke up
11/6 10 am -pooped& peed before naptime
11/7 6:30 am-peed when woke up
11/7 9:45am-peed before naptime
11/7 pooped & peed before bed
11/9 6:30am- peed when woke up
11/9-9:30 pooped &peed before naptime
Posted by
10:52 AM