November 28, 2007

Choir Homework

Recently Thomas was given Choir homework where he had to memorize the song "O Come O Come Emmanuel" for church. That's a pretty tough song for a six year old to memorize! So I found on You Tube a sort of Kareoke version for him that would make it a little bit more easier for him to learn the song and words and the way the way it goes without it being too boring.{click the lined bar uptop}. He enjoys choir, Why make it not fun? At the first of every month, he and a couple other kids in the choir sing at the children's mass at 11:00 On Sunday ,{ which will be this Sunday} so he's gotta have this song down. So I figured I'd make it easy on him by looking up this song for him . It being Kareoke style I think couldn't have been easier! What a score!

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