September 2, 2007

Back With Fish 'A' Plenty

Tom and Thomas are back from their expedition of fishing. They left today around 2:30, to be at the marina to go on a party boat fishing together. Kind of a boys day. We were a little apprehensive that Thomas would behave himself, whine that he wanted to go home, yada yada.. But according to reports, He was pretty good. He was all excited that he caught three fish at once { the way his pole was set up } He was like Whoah! I caught three fish! and found a friend to play hide and seek with on the boat with a boy his age, was spying on TOm here and there and returned to fish some more, Generally had a real nice time. They came home smelling funky and had fish ranging from Snapper to Perches, - {I guess the Grouper were too smart for them}I stayed home with the dog and little guy so we had some fun on our own .. had dinner and went for a ride, then Brendan went to bed and I got to get some reading in and peace and quiet! They soon returned and filled me in on their journey. They met some nice people on the boat and sounds like a time Thomas will soon not forget! What I'm going to do with all these fish I have no idea, hope the raccoons are hungry because aside from the snapper, I've no idea how to prepare some of these! Hope I got enough vaccuum freezer bags because looks like I'm in for ALOT of filleting and vaccuum packing!

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