After all the hoping and praying and pushing and prodding and shoving magazine ads in our faces countless I don't know how many times all December long, Santa Finally caved and came through and put the biggest grin on one happy little boy's face Christmas morning! The house is now filled with the voice of "Wowee Robosapien V-2" ,Robopet, and Roboraptor howling off the hallowed walls of our house almost daily now , but if it means the joy or enjoyment of one little boy and fullfillment of one little boy's wish come true , then so be it. He is a good boy,and his intentions are true, even if sometimes he may get out of hand, and talk back and come off a little fresh, he doesn't really mean it. He's just trying to get his message across, it just comes across the wrong way. And he is truly sorry when reprimanded.He deserves the robots and truly appreciates them. The second day he got them, he broke them, one on the leg, the other he opened the V-2's hand to put a ball in, and the hand stopped working, and we were upset that we had to return it all the way to the mall an hour away, and he was TRULY upset - he was sobbing ! He was SOO upset they were broken it broke my heart to see him cry. If he really didn't care about these toys he wouldn't have cried. But he did which meant they meant something to him-alot- and he truly appreciated them. I voted to plain return them and wait a couple years till he was older but Tom replaced them and I think he did the right thing.He just has to learn to be more careful and not force the robots but use the remotes. These things burp, fart, use crass remarks- theyre almost human! Theyre a riot! He loves them and plays w/ them every day as soon as he wakes up- thats when I know he's awake !I think its Thomas' best Christmas yet! Who would have thought a Four year old would be playing with robots at such a young age? Boy they grow up fast!!from Dinosaurs to robots! Who'd have thought? Hold on tight its a fast ride!...
December 27, 2005
Have a Very Robotic Christmas
Posted by
1:15 PM
December 24, 2005
UPS Rescheduled Christmas Dinner
A Couple Days ago,Tom and I decided to order our Christmas dinner we were going to make {or serve} for our family and relatives from online and give ourselves a break since we always do Thanksgiving and Christmas and decided to go easy this time . So we ordered from Harry and David- They had some REALLY nice looking stuff and we were going to serve Prime Rib this year, and they had one that was perfect to just heat up . So we bought that and some cute Christmas cookies and some Christmas cheesecake trees for dessert,and some pears. - Everything to go with the meal. They said it would come on the 23rd Guaranteed.Perfect. We had some pre cooking to do anyway so we made some Struofoli, and some dinner rolls to heat up, and christmas cookies, and cleaned the house, wrapped some last minute gifts, doorbell rings- cool- the foods here! What comes? the pears. Not cool! Where's the rest of the friggin food? We call the company, they say Ups is running all the way up until midnight- and the orders are in different boxes. Kay... well, we stay up till midnight, and UPS never returns... We're having dinner Christmas EVE the 24th. Tom checks UPS online SAT morning and finds out that UPS decided on their own that they RESCHEDULED our order for the 27TH!! That's our Christmas Dinner !! They can't do that!!! You have no Idea how utterly pissed I am right now! What gives them the right to say whoops! We missed some boxes, oh well! We'll deliver them next week. Lets go home and enjoy the holiday, screw them.. NAH NAH NAH! Get your lazy asses back in the truck and DELIVER EVERY LAST BOX like you were SUPPOSED to in the first place and to the RIGHT address if it takes you ALL NIGHT! Isnt their motto like on time every time or something - oh sorry "what can brown do for you" ? you can bring me my Christmas dinner like you were supposed to is what you can do for me! So now DH is driving to Ellenton outlet mall which he doesnt have time to do to the Harry and David store there where theyre going to credit him and make up a Christmas dinner there- they don't have a prime rib, but they have a spiral ham , and some Christmas cookies left they said and we reserved two cheesecakes last night in his name. Anyway, I'm just severely pissed at this whole ordeal and needed to get it off my chest. I'm sure eveything will be great - the family will all be together and we'll open presents and be happy and laughing and sharing and that's what counts- being together and happy as a family for the Holidays. ~ I just can't believe something so ridiculous turned out of something so simple as ordering a Christmas dinner to make life easy! But then again,that's how my goes-kinda like Murphy's Law-"whatever most likey can go wrong, will"
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1:21 PM
December 18, 2005
Christmas Family Photo
Tom and Thomas and I went to the International mall last night to get our family photo done for Christmas cards to be done and sent out. We haven't had our Family photo done since Thomas was like two years old! I think it was time for an update! It came out pretty decent I think, I think I look a little stoned , the way my eyes look - or the photographer caught me half blinking, I donno, but Tom and Thomas came out real nice. The Photographer was real nice though and very creative. he took a bunch of shots of just Thomas too.So we wound up with like three poses that we liked but are using this one for our family photo shot and Christmas card. We promised Thomas he could visit this robot he fell in love with at the Sharper Image store he could check it out again and play with it - this thing is cute it WAS 300 bucks- but was marked down to 199- I think it just made its way to Santa's list as Thomas talks about it NONSTOP at home - no joke- he's OBSESSED about this V2 robot Tom and I hear about it in our sleep ! Tom snuck it n the car while Thomas wasn't looking .. while I took Thomas to the play area at the mall. Thomas didnt even know he was gone- I swear this Christmas the boy put us in the poorhouse! With the baby coming , this might be the last spending spree christmas in a while so we figured might as well make it last while we can! Gonna have to tighten our belts after this one ... One last hurrah ya know? Plus Thomas was real good this year.. and he was real good taking the pictures- he took a nap during the day so he wasn't tired or anything - a real sport - was real into it .- He deserved the robot. It was worth it. And will be worth the look on his face when he sees what "Santa " brought him after he told him what he wanted when he sat on his lap that day at the mall - A robosapien V2.. There Really is a Santa Clause...;)
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3:18 PM
December 13, 2005
24 Week Echocardiogram
I finally had my 24 week sonogram echocardiogram done today and just wanted to report that everything came back terrific! It was an 8 AM appointment and Thomas was supposed to be at school an hour later but never made it because his school was an hour away and we never got seen {waited in the office for like an hour and by the time we got seen and were done and would have drove back to his school, he would have only class for like an hour or so }, so it wasn't worth it so he got to play hookey and witness the sonogram with me. He LOVES watching my sonograms! BTW The babys heart was to be checked out to see how it responded to my medication and to see if there were any defects- septal, any holes etc.. since my last pregnancy Nicholas had a septal valve defect-{a very large one at that} where he only had three chambers.. But this guy..he is the picture of health! Everything is in perfect working order I am proud to report! He is making this pregnancy smooth as silk so far! He is one and a half pounds,a little bigger than a foot I think the sonographer said,stayed nice and still for the sonographer like a good boy,got a 'lil fussy towards the end, but hey he's a boy - whatcha want? They gotta stir up here and there.. my next visit is after the new year where I go once a week to monitor his growth and get my GBS test done on the 2nd of January.. Speedin right along. So thats my news or update as of so far. Xmas business is done, now to work on the lil guy- nursery and registry business to take care of - a moms life never slows down does it???
Posted by
9:23 PM
November 30, 2005
Belly Shot Comparison-3 Mo& Beg.6 Mo....
I was seeing how I would compare belly shot wise 3 months to now going on six months{this coming week will be six- my 24th week} and made some pretty decent progress! STILL think I'm kinda on the small side and should be packin it in more when I look down, but when I compare the two pics, the lil guy's done some decent growin! can't believe only 17 more weeks to go! I better get crackin on the nursery! its still an office right now and the only thing we've done to prepare is buy some diapers and wipes! No crib, no furniture or anything, maybe after the holiday we'll focus on that. we'll see maybe sooner. So, this is me at 3 mos.. and here's me now at 23 weeks -
Posted by
10:33 PM
November 28, 2005
Pregnant & Kidney Stones- OY!
I don't believe I'm already at the 23 week mark-I'm halfway there already!I got to celebrate it by suffering through a bout of painful kidney stones this weekend! Oh momma! because of the medication I take,I'm told its bound to happen from time to time, I drink {or am drinking} water like a fish, I guess I'm not drinking my daily quota? I'm drinking my daily gallon of water like I'm reading that i'm supposed to be drinking, maybe I should up it . But anyway, this weekend I've been walking around like a 90 year old lady just shuffling aroundand doing breathing excercises -in through the nose , out through the mouth enduring the pain in my left side,groin and back and drinking water alll night and becoming quite aquainted with the "potay" till this morning the stones finally passed and I was like "that's it? " these tiny things gave me all that pain? they were half the size of a peppercorn! anyway thank goodness that's over, I had endured it once before and didnt want to go through that again, and the stones were half the size of THAT and I needed pain meds! { I know, wimp!} LOL felt like I was in labor! oh well Just thought I'd tell ya how my weekend went -painful , but finally over thank goodness!!
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1:28 PM
November 26, 2005
Thomas & Pic With Santa
Thomas got his picture taken with Santa today- he never really was good with Santa, the Easter Bunny,Bigger dressed up Seasonal characters than he. They just freak him out for some reason- But lately he's been much better- When he was Three, we took him to see Mickey Mouse at Disney World when we first moved down,and he just stared at him and didn't cry, and the other day, well, yesterday actually we went to the Intenational mall in Tampa an Santa was there, and we asked if he wantd to siton his lap and he viciously shook his head no, but todauy we were at th Sarasota mall and he actually decided he wanted to sit on his lap so we said ok after making sure 5 times! LOL He still looked a lil shaky , buy looks like his fear of big seasonal creatures just might be ebbing! here's his picture w/ Santa from today.. not too bad ...
Posted by
7:41 PM
November 13, 2005
A Day At The Fair
Today,Tom went to a Bucs game while a friend from work was in town and they went together. Needless to say, Thomas was crushed -he wanted to go to the football game togehter with daddy so badly! it was so sad- He even put on HIS Bucs Jersey to look just like him- it was soo cute- but we had to convince him that another day we promise there will be other games where just daddy and him will go {never mind the fact that mommy would like to go too! } So I took his mind off and took Thomas to the Carnival that was in townwhile daddy went off to the Bucs game with his friend from's a couple pics of his day at the fair- looks like he got a bit worn out after a while!Then we went to Dairy Queen for dinner since we had 2 free kids meals we got from his school fair he got one as a prize, and I got one for helping out with the games and prizes so we cashed them in and had dinner for free since daddy wouldn't be home and we spent enough on the games at the fair! anyway, heres some pics of our day..-here's my two "Buc boys.." and here's Thomas all wiped out after a day's rides and games.. * Note i know in a pic you'll actually SEE Tom on a ride with Thomas .. That's because the next day Tom went AGAIN to the fair with Thomas because Mommy couldn't go on ANY 9of the rides except the Merry Go Round due to the fact that she's pregnant {whoopee } which sucked for Thomas! and he REALLY wanted to go on the Bumper cars SOO bad! It broke my heart to just see him watch throughthe gate and not be able to let him on!... So when Daddy came home . he took him again the next night after dinner. :) So He had MORE Fun! Happy ending once Again!
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11:17 PM
November 1, 2005
18 Week Test Results
I had my 18week visit with the neonatologist today and got my test results back from when I had the transnuchal sono test done to see if the baby woul have Down's or not,and it turns out as far as the sonographer said, the numbers were too low for the baby to have Down's so the Test came back Negative!! Oh what a relief! he still wanted to know whether I wanted to go for the amnio to make sure, I said if I didn't absolutely need it, and my odds were increased with age of having a miscarriage-and the sonogram already proved that the baby didnt have downs then why look a gift horse in the mouth and play with fire? I didn't deem it necesssary would you do it? So we did another extensive sonogram today to see how the baby was growing, and and he could see the sex of the baby... and boy was He not shy! yes , that's what I said , HE! Legs were spread like an eagle for everyone to see his manhood! LOL stickinup floatin in the breeze! DS got his wish for a baby brother afterall- he told his teacher last week he was having a baby brother, and his teacher congradulated me on my new son. I was like????? I said I have no idea what the sex is so my son must be Pshychic I told her! LOL apparently so because today we found out for the first time we were having another boy! Add some more testosterone to the household! there goes my princess nursery ... -just kidding-i dont mind either way- as far as the sonographer could tell, this baby is as healthy as a horse! The doctor wants an echocardiogram done just to see how his heart is reacting to my seizure meds. Other than that he's doing just fine. I see my regular OB this friday.I think to find out about my alpha feta protein test - the sonographer couldnt understand why that was oredered when the nuchal fold test was ordered .He ,-said it was a waste of money but whatever-, guess to make sure. Thats my update on my tests as of lately. Thought Id share- heres some pics of my not so shy lil guy. as for names- still kickin some around-like Brendan Michael, Aidan Matthew,etc..- I write them down for DH and he just smiles and nods and walks away or comes up with disney character movie names- he's totally not helping and joking around when I'm trying to be serious- this might take a while ... anyway, heres the not so shy lil guy..enjoy!
Posted by
4:35 PM
October 27, 2005
Halloween Treatmaking
I thought I'd take a break from my assembly line of ghost making a show ya what I'm handing out this year for Halloween- thought I'd get a lil creative this year.. whadda ya think? do they look too goofy? I used Blow Pops for the heads, tissues for the ghosts, googly eyes and glue for the eyes, colored pipe cleaners for the neck to hold the tissue in place and a black sharpie to make the mouth. that way kids can get to the pop right away and was in expensive to make too. I bought two bags cause DH said we got alot of kids last year- theres 50 in a 1 pound bag- hope they all go! Do they look alright? anyway , heres my lil ghosty friends.. half a bag... and a whole bag..
well...back to ghost making- just thought I'd show ya what i'm up to tonite! talk to ya later!
Posted by
9:19 PM
October 26, 2005
Thomas' Pre K Pics
I got Thomas' Pre K pictures back this morning after I dropped him off at school, and well, I can't decide which pictures to pick! They both came out so cute! Do I go with the classic "arm on chair" pose, or more modern pose with the "baseball glove and leaves?" I go through this every year with pictures- whether I go to Penny's for Christmas pics, or school pics, I always wind up spending a ton of money because the portraits come ut so darn cute that i wind up taking more than I should cause I can't decide ! As far as pricing goes, for one pose-andI get 4 sheets and return 4 sheets its 43.00-if I get all 8 sheets its 60.00 - otherwise a 100.00 value if I get just the 8x10along with the 4 sheets of one pose of the barn shot its 50.00- I donno! hellp! LOl why do they do this tome! I guess I'm gonna go for the more modern one - the "barn shot and one "chair" pose to play around with to satisfy both worlds-that won't kill me.. There that settles it. :) Now off to pay for them tomorrow..
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1:50 PM
October 20, 2005
AFP Test Tomorrow..
Tomorrow I'm going for my weigh in and AFP test to test for Downs on the baby and I'm really kinda nervous since in my last pregnancy one of the twins had Downs and a real bad heart problem and they {doctor's} didn't give him any great odds at chance of survival and reccomended selective reduction which is what I had to do. I pray so bad that this time it's not the case because I don't think I'll be able to go through that again. I'm still not over the last one.The chances are kinda goodof getting it again I read since I'm over 35{just over] and I previously had a pregnancy with a child with Downs that another could have it, So I'm kinda freaking out a bit, I'm gonna be pullin my hair outta my head till the test comes back anyway,{which hopefully doesn't take too long-then I get to find out whether I need an amnio or not- {boy I love 2nd trimester testing -NOT -yeah like gettin teeth pulled. well anyway wish me luck!
Posted by
12:04 AM
October 18, 2005
Movie Day
I took Thomas to the movies today to the Dollar theater at the mall. Since it was Tuesday, all movies are .50 cents. So I let him pick the movie that he wanted to see and he picked Madagascar. We just saw it over the summer in the regular theaters, but figured what the heck? it was cute, I could see it again. He was soo good! In fact, I got to wondering if he was actually enjoying himself! He just sat there in his seat motionless eating his Gummy bears I got for him and then finishing off my popcorn {which were WAYYY overpriced I might add!} The "dollar" movie turned out to be 11.00 after a small Hi -C for him, A med Sprite for me, a small popcorn for me and a Gummy bears for him- all of which you BET were gonna get eaten and drankand not a drop wasted for that price!}anyway he didnt laugh or move or nothin! Then when the movie ended, he said," mom, I want to leave now.." I said o.k" Then when leaving he said" Mom that was Fun!" You're my best friend! I said You had a good time then? he said Yeah! I was like "I thought you didnt have a good time-I'm glad you did" and then he started recalling parts that he liked about the movie. I was like okayy.. "as long as you had a good time Im glad." Guess everyone processes information or things in different ways. It was nice to get out and spend some time doing something different like going to the movies- just us-was fun - Lil Mommy n me time ya know? Just thought I'd share
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7:09 PM
October 14, 2005
Daddy's Lil' Helper
It seems Thomas has been trying to earn some extra brownie points to add to his chores to add to his allowance at home lately- He's been eyeballin' this Transformer toy at Walmart lately that costs too much money in my eyes to spend on a toy- 40.00- and I told him if keeps doing his chores and helping out around the house he can buy it himself -that way it will mean more when the time comes to buy it if he really still wants it when he saved up enough money. So these past couple days I've spotted him helping daddy mow the lawn! He must really want that Transformer Or just likes Being Daddy's lil helper! Too cute! anyway, here's a couple pics I snapped Of the two of them workin hard....
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9:14 PM
October 7, 2005
14week 6day checkup
Today was my 14 th week 6 day checkup.I heard the baby's heartbeat-its at 135 - right on the mark- blood pressure I didnt catch but the nurse said it was perfect so I'll take her word for it! and weight are on the mark- I gained 2 pounds since my last visit theysaid I'm thin to begin with so alls well in 3 weeks I go back for my AFP test, then decide if I need the amnio or not. hopefully not. I went through that with My first pregnancy- and since I had twins- had it done twice in the same visit! not fun.On the1st from my high risk pregnancy specialist I'll get my results back from my triple screen &my nuchal fold sono to determine if the baby could have down's or not- been keeping busy and been trying not to think about it or I'd be going nuts all this time! I'm praying not and that it wasjust a one time thing... please please..Other than that,my visit went very well. Thomas had no prek today, so my MIL went with me to the dr'soffice and watched Thomas for me ,and I brought some of his transformers with him to play with in the office,and it turned out he was to too busy charming the pants off the nurses to be playing with his transformers! My lil heartbreaker.Needlessto say he left there with more than he came with! stickers, lollipops, whatever the nurses could dig up! LOL His father trained him well I guess !At least he was good I guess! I can be thankful for that !
Posted by
8:41 PM
Not ANOTHER ear infection!
Well, Thomas has an ear infection - AGAIN. UGH! same ear -4 th one this year- can't seem to get rid of it- each time they're getting stronger and stronger w/ the medicine- first-the reg stuff,Arithromyacin,{sp?} then Augmentin, now Omnicef- Poor kids gonna wind up with a tube in his ear this keeps up! - not per the dr. but you know what I mean!And the kicker was, we went to the Doctor's because he couldn't shake this hacking cough he would go to bed with and wake up with so I went to get some medicine for him,from a cold he was kicking and we left there with a scrip for an ear infection ! OY! - I was gonna go to Walmart and get some Robitussin for him, but this morning he woke me up at 6 am saying "mom, mom, wake up- my ear hurts really bad" I said Ohh no! which one - and he pointed to his left one-the trouble one- the one that keeps getting infected so that settled it - we were going to the pediatrician instead- she was right down the street from my OB that I had my appt with today anyway so figured we'd pop in after my appt -she's good like that -being able to squeeze us in and did -45 min after we went in . So we went to mcdonalds for lunch and bought him a Happy MeaL for being so good at my dr.s appt treated myself a lil then, went back and she saw us. and he was soo great. . let her do whatever she had to do and was out of there. with MORE goodies!{see post about14 wk checkup} NOW wit MORE stickers and lollipops and lizards from the front desk- I gotta make a drawer just from doctor's office visits for this kid! I think he's startin to know the deal! we go back in 3 weeks to see how his ear cleared up. never did get the cough medicine scrip, but hopefully this will take care of it?-{the fluid from his ear was dripping down his throat leading to his lungs collecting and making him cough? i donno just a theory since ears nose and throat are all connected...}Just a thought ahh well I've rambled enough So that was our day in a nut- shell.This kid deserves 4 stars for being so good at two doctors offices today.
Posted by
6:34 PM
October 6, 2005
Getting To Know You
Getting to Know You {Copied and Pasted from Mommietalk}
1.WHAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? Noreen Ann-Marie Higdon
3. WHAT ARE YOU LISTENING TO RIGHT NOW? The eerie yet peaceful silence of an empty quiet house
7. HOW IS THE WEATHER RIGHT NOW? 75 , 79? yucky-drizzly
9. DO YOU LIKE WHERE YOU LIVE?Oh Yeah- the weather's beautiful 90 percent of the time, the people are friendly,the price of thing are inexpensivefor the most part, I just miss the hell out of my family up north but yeah I can't complain.
10. HOW OLD ARE YOU TODAY?{you can lie-I won't tell{ never know I might have!} 35
11. FAVORITE DRINK? Alcoholic-Mudslide or Kahluah & milk, Non alcoholic- Pink Lemonade
12. FAVORITE SPORT? Volleyball
13. WHAT COLOR ARE YOUR EYES? greenish brown
15. SIBLINGS? 1 sister and 2 brothers that it kills me everyday that I don't get to see them as more often that i get to
16. FAVORITE MONTH: December
17. FAVORITE FOOD? Chicken cutlets and my sister Debbie"s Stuffed shells - MMM!
18. LAST MOVIE YOU WATCHED? Disney's House of Villians with Thomas last night
20. WHAT DO YOU DO TO VENT ANGER? Go to my Mommietalk site and post it and write it out and get it off my chest
22. DO YOU LIKE SUMMER OR WINTER? Summer But not August summer's here- too unbearable!
23. DO YOU LIKE HUGS OR KISSES? Hugs-although I love kisses too, my immune system sucks and I'm forever getting sick for no reason and take forever getting better so I'm safer with the hugging route!!LOL
24. CHOCOLATE OR VANILLA? Chocolate I'm a woman and pregnant what more can I say?
26. WHO IS MOST LIKELY TO RESPOND? My girlfriend MIA she is my preggo warstory buddy- we're pretty close.
27. WHO IS LEAST LIKELY TO RESPOND? My sister Debbie but that's cool though cause the works her a$$ off as a Top Insurance consultant head from sunup to way after sundown plus heads a family and life on top of it- has dinner at 9:30 at night...-I bow at the woman's feet!
28. WHAT DID YOU DO LAST NIGHT? made dinner for Thomas and I as Tom is out of town again on business, gave him a bath, popped in a dvd,and after it was bedtime for him, watched a lil CSI on the tube, then hit the sack .
29. LIVING ARRANGEMENTS My husband Tom, Son Thomas and Me and our Cat Buster.
30. WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU CRIED? A couple weeks ago after getting having a test done testing for Down Syndrome on the baby I got myself all worked up wondering "what if" and Please don't"and jst got scared - you know hormones!
31. WHAT IS UNDER YOUR BED? assorted cable wires in a tupperware clothing bin and sweaters in another tupperware bin and Buster the cat snoring away!
34. FAVORITE SMELL? Mom's fresh crumbcake or fresh bread baking in the oven! {when we were kids we would just float into the house by the smell whenever she would be baking!}
35. WHAT ARE YOU AFRAID OF? Spiders and bugs! I'm a terrible arachnophobic!
36. POPCORN...PLAIN, BUTTERED OR SALTED? butter and a touch of salt- too much my lips purse!
37. FAVORITE CAR? Excalibur
38. FAVORITE FLOWER? Stargazer lilly
40. CAN YOU JUGGLE? only two balls- I'm too spastic for any more
42. WHAT DID YOU DO ON YOUR LAST BIRTHDAY? Went out to dinner to this awesome restaurant called the Beachouse where you dine on the beach overlooking the water with live entertainment as you eat awesome seafood and stroll the beach after dinner to walk off you meal with my two favorite men in the world - my husband and my son.
43. HOW MANY STATES HAVE YOU LIVED IN? 2-New York , Virginia and Florida
44. HOW MANY CITIES HAVE YOU LIVED IN? too many at least Mineola,Westbury,Hempstead, Centreville, Manassas, Bradenton- 6 45. HOW MANY COUNTRIES HAVE YOU LIVED IN? 1
46. HOW MANY CARS HAVE YOU HAD & WHAT WAS THE FIRST CAR THAT YOU HAD? . I've had 4 cars including my current one- my first was a Chevy Cavalier courtesy of my Ex you all know so well.psha.-we know that story-woman goes for groceries,light turns green ,woman makes turn, man runs light,hits womans car, sends woman to ER, car goes bye bye .
47. WHERE WERE YOU BORN? Long Island Jewish Hospital, Queens, N.Y.
48. WHAT BOOK ARE YOU READING NOW?Message In A Bottle by Nicholas Sparks
49. BEACH OR MOUNTAINS Beach!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. FAVORITE MOVIES -Legends of the Fall, Mists of Avalon, Legend,Big Fat Greek Wedding,Titanic,Harry Potter & Lord of The Rings Movies
51. FAVORITE MUSICAL ARTIST(S Usher, Black Eyed Peas, Creed, 50 Cent, Garth Brooks { So I like a 'lil variety! }
Posted by
4:15 PM
September 9, 2005
3 Mo Belly Shots
I somehow managed to find the cord to my camera since the batteries died in my digital camera and snapped a couple pics of myself to try and keep track of what I look like each trimester. I figured while DH is on his way back from Virginia, and DS was still at school, It was my only chance for a free uninterrupted embarrassment free"what are you doing" moment to get in some pics- know what I mean? Don't mind the hair- that's next on my list!A good long shower and hour long pampering! I know in my see you see me pic I looked like a twig- but as you can see- when I stand up, im a bit wider than when i sit down! plus those jean shorts hold alot in! LOL Here ya go!There's not much there-I still got alot more to go.Question!--- while i'm here- when i go to bed- my weight says one thing, when i wake up , I seem to be three pounds lighter-is this normal? or is my scale just wacky? or am I really losing three pounds in my sleep? but that night I'm 3 pounds heavier again! I swear this happens everyday! this happen to anyone else or do I need a new scale?anyway heres the pics... side view... and front shot
Posted by
3:49 PM
August 31, 2005
My Future Rescue Hero
I was watching the news about Katrina this evening while eating dinner with Thomas and he was looking at the photo coverage and asked me "what happened Mommy?" I was like "Errm.." and wasn't quite sure how to put it then decided to bite the bullet and give it to him straight- no baby talk- I told him well, the hurricane that came by,{which he knew about} went up to a state called New Orleans {from here I took out my state quarters map for a visual aid} and explained " you know how when you take a bath and you splash too much water and it goes over the side of the tub and makes a big puddle on the floor ? - he said "uh huh.." I said " well, the hurricane went to New Orleans, and made the ocean splash lots and lots of water into New Orleans here andflooded the peoples homes where only their rooves stick out so the people are sitting on their roofs waiting to be rescued- and theres lots and lots of people who are stuck where they are and don't have a house anymore and people are going there to save them and rescue them. He saw a Coast guard officer rescuing a survivor, and he said "like in the helicoptor? I said yes like that" He said "mom, I want to be a saver". I said "you do?" he said "yeah, when I get big,I want to ride in a helicoptor, and go up to the sky and save people from the hurricanes" I was like AWW! I got alll tears in my eyes! I said to him "and I bet you'd be the best saver there ever was too!" I swear the things that come out of this kids mouth sometimes I could just hug him to death he's so cute! I just had to share this!
He is a sweetheart.its moments like those he makes me proud to be a mom!These hormones don't help either-because everytime I think about what he said I get all choked up and teary eyed and judst wanna cry cause he makes me so happy to be his mom to such a sweeheart!
Posted by
9:35 PM
August 24, 2005
9 Week Sono and Checkup
We have our fist pic of the new bean, and Thomas was sick today and got to see it and was in complete awe! hard to tell which end is which , but thankfully, the sonographer labeled it for us. heartbeat was 160, which was very good, had lil arm n leg buds goin ,which now i'm in 10th week, they should be formed even better,and the brain should be formed better as well as I'm told.So far so good, my blood pressures on the mark as is my weight, so so far so good no complaints.The cravings and smells are really kickin in though- like- I can't go anywhere near a smokeshop or coffee store that sells fresh ground coffee by the bag ya know? or freshly paved roads-or pet stores- we used to get mice for our snake tiny once a week, now I gotta wait in the car- but cravings- ohhhh- cheesecake.. I go to Sam's- I HAD to pickup their sampler-couldn't take it anymore! And Papa John's Spinach Alfredo pizza mmmm! LOL anyway, here's the pics of the lil peanut..the top pic says {baby}to the right of the baby since its unreadable, and the bottom pic says {rump} to the left of the baby, and {head} to the right of the babsono pics - wish they caan make them bigger.. ah well:)
Posted by
7:14 PM
August 18, 2005
Finally Got Confirmed
Well, I finally got confirmed by my Ob that I AM in fact pregnant- This Saturday will be 2 months. My due date will be April 1st- April fool's day - can you believe that one?Not only does AF make an unscheduled vacation, but my due date turns out to be April Fool's day! talk about your ironies! Looks like it's gonna be a fun ride- as It's classified under a high risk pregnancy with A- me having a seizure condition,B- taking medication that is category c-meaning that it hasn't been tested on pregnant women to verify the results of what the birth defects could be basically-which makes me feel REAL comfortable lemme tell ya! I'm a walking batch of nerves! I'l loaded up on 4 mg of folic acid and prescribed prenatal vitamins to combat against birthdefects {or potential ones} I'lll be seeing a perineonatologist one wek and my OB the next on and off for the duration of my pregnancy plus multiple sonograms, testing,the works,. plus will be having a planned cesarian to avoid the nightmare i went through giving birth to thomas-{seizure on the table,over medication,out cold for 3 days straight,etc..} We want a smooth ride this time around.. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that no miscarriages occur this time and a beautiful healthy birth defect free baby {i'd like a girl, but don't care as long as its healthy} is born march 23rd- the date of planned ceasrian..
Posted by
10:42 PM
August 10, 2005
Pregnant Again.. DH Needs to Think...
After waiting almost two weeks for AF to show, and no dice, { she was SUPPOSED to show on 7/25 and decided to take an unscheduled vacation.. } I couldn't take it anymore - neither could Tom and he told me to go get a pregnancy test to make sure,- and sure enough, first shot, It came back with a !I showed the results to Tom when it was done, and he says - " so what does that mean?" I said " it means with your mother movin in , whenever she makes up her mind when that'll be , we're gonna have to make an addition on the house .. and gave him a wink. Well, He has been upset with me since sunday! Not the reaction I was looking for! In fact he has barely spoken to me! he has been slamming doors, snapping at me, talking to me like a child, taken my driving priviliges away-{ which i understand because I'm on medication and he doesnt want me have a seizure with fluctuating meds and hormones and stuff and get hurt or the baby-thats understandable- i'm only allowed to drive thomas to and from school while hes away on business right now thats it and he doesnt even like that. Due to the whole rocky road I went through w/ Thomas' pregnancy-{ I had a seizure, i had to go through many sonograms to monitor the babys progressio n due to the meds-make sure things were ok,the amnio-which is normal,the selective reduction,{i pray i don't need to do that this time- because i don't have the stregnth to do it again-that is if i have twins again-they say once you have twins you can have them again...then post i had sarcoidosis, so you can say Tom is not looking forward to me getting pregnant again, not to mention my body getting bigger- he said to me " you WILL NOT be putting on 75 pounds like last time -youre gonna eat normal and gain normal weightlike normal people" and no more drivin for you - why does he make me feel like I went to the clinic and in-vitroed myself w/o his knowing_ he had a hand {or body part}in this miracle of life too ya know! - cause he just makes me feel so terrible that I got pregnant right now! He hasn't shown the least bit of sign of happiness or excitement.He won't even share it with his mom, I asked if he wanted to tell her, he said it was none of her business, since Sunday, I've been doing nothing but moping and crying and eating three squares to keep this baby healthy and trying to figure out what's going on in his head. and the only thing I can think of, is he's scared. - His company is merging this week,some people will lose their jobs,they don't know who, his mom's supposed to move in with us, but she can't make up her mind when - we just know she can't afford to stay at her place,and that would be to to move into our computer/ guest room, and if/ when we have this baby, we ran out of rooms to put it as well as the desk/ office- we can always put it {computer } somewhere- familyroom wherever- as for the baby- theres a small space in our bedroom we can put a cribin the corner, but as it gets bigger we ran out of room, o maybe hes thinking of that- i wish he would just talk to me- he keeps everything bottled up inside and shuts me out until he explodes- its not fair or healthy- i always get the tail end of it-usually widing up in the bathroom with him giving me the attitude or silent treatment and me crying.-when all I want to do is share a lil joyin my family-so I turn to my son for a smile-any way- how's that for an announcement?Or ultimate Anniversary present for Tom{ so its a couple days late} - I go see my OB on the 25th for confirmation I'm hoping for a baby girl to even out the brood- one boy, one girl- sorry so long- maybe I shoulda saved it for a vents and rants?well, lets hope he cools off and comes around while hes up north this week, ans comes home with a new perspective and and a smile and a hug.. Thanks for the ear all-
Posted by
12:43 AM
June 15, 2005
FINALLY Enrolled
Today we started out early again to go to the "diagnostic center" to attempt to enroll Thomas ONCE AGAIN for the VPK at the location at which I had no clue how to get to but was following my Yahoo map diligently and found it finding that I had passed this place tons of times while on my way fishing with Tom a bunch of times . Anyway, we get there, and first we're too early, and wait a half an hour, and the heat is starting to heat up and Thomas is starting to get antsy in the truck even though the a/c is on ,and 8:30 rolls around and I figure ok, someone has GOT to be there by now! So I knock and someone is finally there-we go in , and the lady who was standing behind us at the roundup opens the door! Small world! So I explain my case and adventure so far, and she explains a very interesting and crucial and dissappointing little tidbit to me that I'm just about fed up now with this whole process and the state- no one at the round up -the school board that is - ever mentioned the fact that on the provider list- in it states the amount of hours during the day that the child attends at school etc..-what it actually MEANT was what the state was actually PAYING for! Meaning say I sent him to a public school, he would stay for 6 hours, but the state would PAY for 3 and WE would have to pay for the other 3! Can somebody please tell me how that's FREE voluntary pre kindergarten to me please? She said she'd be happy to enroll us still if we wanted to pay the extra money for the 6 hours, but had no idea how much per week it was going to cost.-It could be 50, it could be 80.. I'm on a budget! I can't just go throwin money around! -Yeah I want a good education for my son,but still I want to be able to afford his future education as well-So as dissapointing as it was the public school deal went out the window.They said to try the place across the street from them, and I was going to until I stepped inside- Oh Boy! The place was a converted trailer with kids taking care of kids sitting on the floor with the director in the back pukin her brains out and her assistant making hoagies for lunch-toddlers dont eat hoagies! LOL there were 20 some odd kids in the rundown play yard in the back and I'm hoping they were supervised!.. Not the place I wanted to send my son- I know they were trying to do their best,and I just WANT the best for my son Know what I mean? So I moved on and checked my list, and saw nearby was a "LaPetite Academy" and know they've been around for like 30 years and have a great reputation when it comes to child education so I gave them a call and was like "please have an open spot , please have an open spot" and they did! Hallelujia! so I zipped right down there, filled out the papers,gave them what was necessary,took the tour, Thomas didn't want to leave which was good sign he liked the place,And am finally D- O - N- E! He's FINALLY enrolled in a VPK program!! Now I just gotta wait for August 8th - his first day of pre k! Sorry so long again- I really gotta get a leash for my mouth!
__________________He's four and a half- -he'll be 5 in February- so next August he'll start Kindergarten- There was an Elementery school here that I wanted to send him to that was sponsoring- get him used to the whole feel of the public school surroundings- but I ran into a snag where since the state was supposed to be funding this whole thing, it turned out they were going to pay for three hours and five days a week,and then have me pay for three hours extra five days week since it turned out to be six hours a day class and not three like it said in the program where he would go -which was fine} but they didnt know how much the extra 15 hrs a week would cost-and Im on a budget so I had to back out of that and go else where-where its free . Its cute he's really looking forward to going- its 3 hrs a day 5 days a week and they have a section just for the pre k kids -pretty large too which is good - theyre not crammed in-theyll be focused on and a teacher just for the pre k is going to be teaching them so they {day care people ] wont lose focus on the different groups or or there will be no distractions
Posted by
7:03 PM
VPK Enrollment Brainpain
Well, I am now on day three of my VPK {voluntary prekindergarten} journey, and it has not been as easy signing or enrolling Thomas as I thought it was going to be! It started out prequalifying him online with the state,then they get back to by congradulating you stating you have been pre qualified and are now in the system and should be recieving forms to fill out to bring to what's called VPK roundup - cool -stage 1 complete. Then the forms come,and the dates for the "roundup" come and we went to that-pretty much a joke-go to this floor and up to that one and back down to this one,basically do a check list and finally to the important one-the schoolboard to get our all important Certificate of Eligibility from the state and and VPK provider listing stating the sposoring schools and daycares and centers we can choose from to send Thomas to of our choice. Then the fun begins.Bright and early Monday morning , I leave the house w Thomas in tow, To a sponsoring Elementary school nearby-like 5 min away,to get first shot at enrolling T before anybody else does since there are only a limited number of slots to fill with these things for all of them-{18 max 5 min} I get there, and theyre like " do you have the pink card from the school board?" I'm like Nooo... the lady says " well they should have given you a pink registration card from the third floor when you met with the school board" I said " i met with some ladies who I believe might have been from the school board, but everyone had a sticker that said "volunteer" on their shirt- i had no way of telling who they worked with"I showed her the massive amount 1 inch thick file I have of paperwork I had brought with me you name it- I got it with me just in case its needed-if not,then its not- at least I'm covered including the all important-Certificate of Eligibility saying they said I just needed to show this and it would be fine" I also showed her the sponsor list- she was like "can I see that?'we're on that list?I was thinking do you even have a clue as to what I'm here for? So she said well I don't know what to tell you .. you can go to this officethe place where we went saturday to do the vpk roundup} and see what they say.. this is our first year doing this , so we don't really know what we're doing,.. why don't you come back wednesday morning when we get everything all straightend out with the school board.. I was like "o.k. I'll do that and left to go to the other office where i went to the roundup to make sure there was no "mystrerious pink card I was supposed to have gotten- which there was none-The woman was just totally out of her mind and was just referring to normal routine to normal registration of when a regular student enrolls for schoollike 1st grade etc.. -she said the certificate of eligibility would be just fine. Glad I double checked befor I just freaked out as to now what do I do KWIM? Then Tuesday rolls around and I'm off agin I figured I had a break since I was told to go back wednesday so I took Thomas to see Robots the movie today- he loved it - we were early so went to Mcee D's for lunch and trapsed around the mall a bit - was 1.00 for the both of us- when was the last time you spent .50 for a movie? I was shocked and delighted! the lady was like "1.00" I was like HOW MUCH? I said you got a deal !so I splurged on goodies -it being Thomas' first time in a movie theatre..he had a ball!. anyway, I get home and theres a message on my machine from the school I wanted to bring him to saying the slots had been filled! she tells me to come back wednesday morning and the slots are filled? I was PISSED! then listened to the name of the school again and it actually WASN"T the school -I wanted but the school board calling me about another school. the one I wanted was still open but now I have to travel tomorrow across town to a neighbor hood i barely know how to get to {thank goodness for yahoo maps} and register him there bright and early so the spots aren't taken because they don't do registering at the school near me because its summertime - the only reason they were open now is because they are doing a summer enrichment program. In the meantime I've been running all over town basically driving here,pickup these papers, drive there,get this copied, drive here pick up this form, drive there drop off that form, drive here sign this , drive there, enroll him there,UGH! can't I just drop him off sign him up and be done with it already? Sorry so long, but cmon! why all the hoops and paperwork?
Posted by
12:54 AM
April 14, 2005
Toilet Troubles..
Thomas today used the bathroom and is calling to me " I have a problem! " I'm like what's wrong?" he says you need to wipe my hiney! - and we go back and forth about how he's a big boy and he's 4 years old and he can wipe his own hiney now- , so I hear this big sigh and hear alright alright , I'll do it, I'll do it", lol {nutjob..} couple minutes pass , I hear the toilet flush, and I hear him say " uhh mom? I have a problem again.." I say what's up?" he says the toilets broken!' and low and behold, I go in the bathroom, and theres water goin all over the bathroom floor! Man! I asked him , whad you do??! he says his classic, "nothing..." I said how much toilet paper did you use? he says " umm just a little bit" I said little bit my but! I just put a fresh roll on there and its half gone! and its the charmin kind that absorbs like a cotton ball the size a Texas! UGGH! So Thankfully the hose is on the other side of the tub outside. so I had to bring the hose inside , snake into the pipe, turn on the water full blast and force the clog down the pipe with the water ,cause not draino nor bleach or nothin was uncloggin his ton a toilet paper he tried to flush down that toilet- I told him from now on a little dab'll do ya! not too big not too small! sheesh all he had to say was "yess maam im sorry- now why do I feel so horrible? we've all done it- he's gonna be the death a me- LOL my lIl stinker!he learned his lesson though! - now when he sees me goin to use the bathroom - he goes "you use the bafroom mommy? ? i say "yup, be right back " he says not too much ok?' LOL oh boy., I created a monster! LOL
__________________"ol family trick my dad used to do while living in a family with 3 girls and {my mom , my sister and I - {there were him and my brothers but they had their own messes and horses of other colors we'll say}with the bunch of us always throwin the tampons down the toilet- instead of the garbage- he was forever throwin the hose down the toilet if you know what I mean.. so I just took that trick with me when i moved out. lol Thanks dad! I owe ya one! ;)
Posted by
11:18 PM
April 10, 2005
MacDill Airshow
Today we went to the airshow at MacDill AirForce Base in Tampa. Was a Hot one- Took along the sunscreen and chairsand all- Was Thomas' first time seeing Planes of this magnitute up close- He loved it ..until the fighter jets put on their show- I went for a hotdog, and came back and Tom was nursing Thomas' overbearing tears!!! I was like what happened?? apparently,Thomas wasn't prepared for how loud the booming sound of the jet engines actually were and scared the daylights out of him and he burst into tears wanting to go home! we told him to hold his ears and we'd go do something else- so we went and looked inside the planes and walk around instead and would tell him when another jet wouldpass by- he was ok withthat idea. Poor thing -He loves airplanes-I guess just wasn't ready for the sonic boom factor! Here's some pics we tookof our day.{Sorry so big}..Here's one of a couple fighter planes. Here's me N Thomas by a Fighter Jet Tom was smart and hung out in the shade under the wing of a plane while we checked out the insidehere's Thomas inside the Parachuters plane here he is in the parajumpers seat and giving a thumbs up in the pilots seat -everythings A OK!!
Posted by
11:24 PM
March 30, 2005
Could Spring FINALLY be Here?
Mother Nature has been awfully kind these past couple days in Finally giving us a taste of that warm weather I've been Dying for! Thought I'd take her up on her generosity and get a running start on my tan these past couple days while Thomas played on his swingset in the yard. I hear theres a yucky front comin in , So I guess it was nice while it lasted.. I'm lookin' forward to her next round of generosity though I tell ya I think spring is FINALLY here!! Im expectin those wild winds and wicked rainstorms dont get me wrong, it was just nice to see the sun for a full day finally with no clouds KWIM? Here's lookin forward to these kinda days to come .....
Posted by
7:42 PM
March 27, 2005
Happy Easter!
Hope everyone had a very Happy Easter {those who celebrated anyway} just thought I'd post some pics of what the Easter Bunny left Thomas - Its funny- I remember growing up- getting a basket full of candy-and these days I guess they don't do that anymore-just toys- Well Thomas has toys comin out his ears- So I improvised and Got a basket from Walgreens,and used his Valentine's candy, and some leftover candy from Halloween and his Easter party from preschool and sprinkled it in there and a chocolate bunny a family friend gave him and Voila!-a giant basket under 10 bucks! and hes none the wiser! Hope everyone had a nice weekend! Happy Easter!
Posted by
12:42 PM
February 28, 2005
Not Ashamed To Smile Anymore
Have you ever noticed that in my pictures-I never smiled? just kinda "smirked"? I wouldn't show my teeth or full pearlies? That's because I was too ashamed or embarrassed to show my smile- I HATED it! I was so self concious about it-I USED to have a nice smile-REALLY I did! until I switched medications, and that went to pot.Then my once orthodontically fixed smile{2500.00 that went down the tubes mind you } was changed when I was put on a new medication and one of the side effects was swollen gums. well, they swelled, I had my gums cut back, they swelled again,this time so bad they separated my teeth and shifted them and pushed them apart to where I developed this "snaggletooth" smile. So Through medical and dental- since it was a medical condition that caused this I was able to put some under medical n and some under dental, I recently had some oral surgery and fixed the problem and am able to smile proudly now! I went from
"smirking to the dreaded :" snaggletooth" smile to a nice straight smile again "I Can smile clearly now, the pain is gone..."
__________________I DO love to smile now and my self confidence level has gotten a big boost-Its funny!They DID do a really nice job I'm very happy with the results- I'll be paying for it for a while, but there goes my tax refund I guess!LOL Its worth it though in the long run.It was that or a used minivan and well, I think I want my smile - wheels can wait a lil while longer! ;)
Posted by
11:10 PM
February 23, 2005
Little Light Out Of This Mess..
It has been an emotional rollercoaster of a week to say the least -between Monday being a holiday- the federal offices were closed so we couldn't do much but gather information VIA computer and print out things information,and try and get information the automated way on the telephone {which is a plain old pain in the behind}-Tom has the patience of a saint let me tell you! Some good news came out of this so far..}- remember when I said I didn't think I had my birth certificate or SS card in my bag but Tom insisted it was in there because we couldn't find it in the house? well, yesterday, {still searching mind you- I'm one of those stubborn people where if there's a door, I'll open it no matter how dumb it may seem, I'll look anyway just to make sure} and checked the file cabinet for the millionth time just for the heck of it-I donno what I was looking for-maybe info to gather to get Thomas' ss card redone or whatever, but, I FOUND MY Birth certificate AND my SS CARD! I dropped to the floor and prayed a thousand thank you's and danced around the house. It was STILL in the envelope that I got my drivers licence in back in November. So today we went and replaced my drivers license at the essentially we just gotta work on getting Thomas' stuff done. my bank card and credit card are being mailed to me in a week or so,and accounts are being rerouted so slowly things are coming together but we still need to put a block on Thomas' ss card so no one can open a line of credit using his name or something.and yes , the feeling of being violated hurt the most and the invasion of privacy hurt more than the actual losing of everything..I STILL can't believe this has happened to me! ..
Posted by
10:10 PM
February 21, 2005
What A Nightmare..
This weekend was going soo nice.Friday, Tom came home from his week long trip to Va , brought goodies for Thomas, Saturday we had Thomas' birthday party, everyone had a great time with family, it was so nice having everyone together and celebrating it, then Sunday. It started out nice. We left early, got the car washed, went and started on our errands, went to Bed, Bath and Beyond for a few things for the house,then went to Best Buy to look around. I decided not to bring my bag in this time as I decided there was nothing in it I needed but left it in the car. Next we headed to CVS as Tom was dying of thirst.We all were. After that I went to reach for something from my bag on the floor, and realized, IT WASN"T THERE!!!! I was in a panic going "where's my bag!? where the heck is my @#$ bag?? so we tried to retrace all our steps and stops and went bag to Best Buy thinking it was in the cart- but I said I never brought it in the store- but we checked the carts just in case and asked inside if anyone returned it, then went to Bed bath and Beyond and did the same asking if anyone returned a black Louis Vuitton multicolor handbag, within the last hour or so, and nobody did, so I left my name and number in case someone found it. when I left the store, DH was on the phone with the bank cancelling my bank card and credit cards,and apparently someone had ALREADY made a purchase on my bankcard/visacard for 56.00 at a citgo 7/11! MY WHOLE LIFE was in that bag! my credit cards, my checkbook,my address book, my license,my datebook,pictures,my medical insurance cards,my doctors business cards, Thomas' SS card-from when I took him to the doctor the other day to fill out the form for first time visit and forgot to take it out of my bag ,my house key - so now we had to change the locks on the door in case this person decides to get ballsey and decide to rob my house as well since they have my address as well, my voter id card, my seizure medication that I just filled and now had to pay 300.00 out of pocket for refills because the insurance company won't cover another refill because I just filled them, at home I can't find my birth cert, or ss card- I don't think they were in there{my bag}, but Tom insists they were in there since they're not in the house so I gotta get another one.I don't know why THEY would be in there, but anyone who wants to become me,can with all the info I have in that bag - I am just simply beside myself and have been nonstop crying since yesterday. My grandmother's wedding ring I had on my key tagwallet with my housekey I kept as a momento of her along with a "best friends" charm that I gave Tom a while back to signify our love and friendship. I had a picture of my parents and one of my grandparents and a sonogram picture of Nicholas- but I have backup picture on my computer I can reprint of him but it was the original and the fact of the matter and the one of my parents and grandparents I cant replace. I am so sick over this I can't even describe to you how heartbroken I am.we filed a police report and afterward Tom Got to thinking and checked his alarm on his car-because when we wentein Best Buy, we heard an alarm go off in the parking lot that sounded like his on his car, but didn't think anything of it, and played his alarm at the police staton, and it sounded EXACTLY like the alarm we heard at Best BUY . We think someone might have seen my bag in our car the parking lot since we cracked the windows a bit since it was so warm out, and managed to open the door and steal my bag out of our car. Why do people gotta be such !@#$% derelicts like that and have to ruin people's lives and turn them upside down over a stupid pocketbook???!!And its not even the real thing! It's a stinkin replica for cryin out loud!!So we spent the rest of our sunday on the phone cancelling cards and online printing out forms and getting information on how to get my "identity"and important papers back and prevent the person who stole my bag from becoming me and wiping out my credit rating and bank accounts and credit cards and applying for new accounts and putting blocks on my sscard and son's sscard so no one can become him and applying for new numbers and oh man just... what a nightmare!!Thanks for makin our life now a living nightmare whoever you are!!!
Posted by
10:06 PM
February 20, 2005
Happy 4th Birthday Thomas!!
This morning Thomas woke me up at 6:45 whispering "mommy, mommy, and tapping me, and Iwas like huh? wha? what's up monkey? what time is it?" It was still dark- I thought he wanted a drink- He whispers " we go get my burfday cake?" LoL I was like "dude its not even 7 yet. { apparently I psyched him up a little too much the night before that the next day was his birthday and we'd be getting his birthday cake and balloons in the morningbut he had to get some sleep first. But I didnt mean FIRST THiNG in the morning! * sigh* he's too much. Anyway, so we're having family over for a Power Rangers Birthday- baloons, cake, plates, banner,cups, napkins- presents, the whole deal.DH came home from VA last night on 6 hrs sleep in 2 days and still managed to stop at Toys r Us and buy him 2 Power rangers just for fun plus gifts from the airport - Thomas was thrilled-wait till he opens his presents! it's gonna be a Power ranger overload from family and friends! T's gonna be thrilled ! well, gotta go pick up the cake! I'llpost pictures later of the party after everyone leaves.I can't Believe he's 4 years old already! where'd the time go????yeah we had a good time- he really made out the lil bugger! Like a bandit Id say! here's some pics from his party !. Here he is with family, his cake blowing the candles out... and here he got his walkie talkies hes been goin on n on about ..was his favorite gift i think... and "a talking Power Ranger like Colton has" {from Preschool}{heaven help me I've already fallen helpless to having to get what the kids have at school already}.. and lastly a glimpse at some of his loot that he recieved minus the other Power Ranger figures that were scattered across the floor and around the house that he wasted no time to play with! ...
Posted by
1:14 AM
January 26, 2005
First Day of Preschool
Well, it may be the end of the day, but I can finally use the computer.. Today , Thomas started preschool ...He was soo excited! all week long he was saying " I want to go to preschool! I want to go to school"!He was even saying, " I want a Power Rangers backpack!" Please I have a Power Rangers backpack?" So I ordered him one on Ebay to make him feel special. I can't believe my baby's getting so big that he's off to school already! where'd my baby go?* WAHH!* Anyway, it seems like a very good school. it teaches reading and math and algebraeic thinking listening and speaking,number sense,concepts and operationswriting and literatureand language skillsand measurement and geometry and spatial sense. I was man! when i went to kindergarden we took naps and learned about the alphabet and numbersand days of the week and such! I didnt learn half this till 1st grade!or more! my kids gonna be smarter than me by 2nd grade! hes gonna be teaching ME!Anyway, he had a blast and can't wait to go back, teacher says he has to work on his following directions-whatever that was-I didn't think to ask for an example like a dummy-I guess I'll ask friday when he goes back- { goes 3 times a week -Mon, Wed, Fri- 9-12-55.00a week}Yes it is alot to learn huh? I thought so ! They space it out through the week and days through both play and formal currriculum- like learning opposites say this week by cutting and pasting pictures of opposites like the sun and moon and the front of a person and back. and an elephant and a mouse being big and small and a facy pot and a plain pot-things like that- next week theyll learn counting by placing hearts and putting the correct number underneath the number of corrlating hearts that belongs to them-things like that-and yes he had a great time.he recieved his power rangers backpack today and was walking around the house with it and didnt want to take it off- too cute! The structured school environment will be really good for him since he was never in daycare. The social environment will really help prepare him for when he goes to kindergarten since I've been home with him since he was born.Thing is I never know what to do with myself when he's gone for as soon as hes gone I can't get too involved in anything because before I know it it's time to pick him up already! So I water the plants, take a shower, do a little reading, catch up on some housework, then pick him up!Funny how its only 3 hours but I still miss him- its like this void is there- what am I gonna feel like when he's gone all day? Time to go back to work so I don't go crazy missing him! LOL
Posted by
11:43 PM